Crappy first

Arallia Heggs
Reading Response

1. Most writers create crappy first drafts
2. The first draft is a “down” draft
3. The second draft is a “up” draft
4. The final draft is a dental draft
5. Writing crappy first drafts gives you a “good second, and a terrific third”

1. “The right words and sentences just does not come pouring out” it’s relieving to know that others struggle with finding the right words. I’ve written many essays knowing exactly what I want to say, but clueless on how to execute thoughts into sentences.
2. “The first draft is the child’s draft. Where you let it pour all out” this describes my first drafts perfectly. I always laugh when rereading my draft, because of my horrible grammar, and vocabulary.

1. The author wrote this story to encourage writers, especially writers that creates crappy first drafts.

1. Does technique of writing require a lot of patience?

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