Practice, practice, practice all I ever heard in my childhood days. The author definitely caught my eye with this compelling idea in this article. My father use to say this everyday, when I would say what I wanted to be or dream of, anything is possible once you practice at it. He was right, but as a child it goes in one ear and eventually goes out eh other.
Another thing that stood out to me was the whole idea of short term memory. I feel that is the worst, when it comes to certain things you need to remember but falls in the short span of memory.

This piece was mainly facts, so there is little to none for me to argue against.

A question I would ask the artist would be, “What did you not practice at earlier in your life that you wish you had?”

The main idea I think the author was trying to relay to the reader was in order to succeed at a sport, instrument, or anything in life you have to exhibit passion and practice but mainly love what you do. Even a blindfolded chess master can win do to the love and dedication of the game.

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