“I Have a Dream” response- Edmundo Ortega

I noticed that in the announcement “I have a Dream” the author expressed himself, by an indirect way. He does not tell us the way he is feeling but he implies it. He is constantly remarking the discrimination to Negros and that government has not done anything to change that fact. He says that American Government has fail all the promises to the Negro community, I can tell that he felt upset at the current situation. Also that he was desperate for a change in the American Constitution towards Negros, looking for completely equality among African-American and white people. The author uses a lot of metaphor, for example; in the first sentence of the first paragraph when he says “In a sense we have come to our nation’s capital to cash a check” he did not meant cashing a check, he meant accomplishing the promises that were made to Negros hundred years ago by the government and still have not done it. Explained that there are some white people that does not discriminate them and supports their actions, meaning why government white people did not had the same point of view. Firmly said there will be no rest neither peace till the day they accomplished their goal, meaning they were fools.

I felt compelling to this announcement in the way that as an immigrant I’ve been discriminate by my original race. Also in the way when people makes promises to me and never accomplished them.

Why the author used a lot of metaphor in his announcement instead of saying it directly?

I think the author’s purpose by writing the announcement “I have a Dream” it was to remark the current situation that Negros were going through at 1963. They were being segregated of other American Citizens in the country and discriminated. I think he wrote it to claim government those equality rights and made it public to pressure government.

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