Reminder for Class on 2/3/15

Hi everyone,

I want to thank those of you who have already submitted and categorized your “I Remember” posts. They are funny and memorable and sometimes somber—absolutely wonderful, creative work for our first assignment! Those of you who haven’t posted yet should do so by midnight tonight in order for the homework assignment to be considered on time. Please review our posting guidelines for more information by clicking here.

Secondly, I’d like to remind you all that you will need a separate bound notebook for this class, and I highly advise that you have one by tomorrow (these can be purchased almost anywhere: drug stores, 99 cent stores, office supply stores, etc.). This can be your basic composition book, a spiral bound notebook—it doesn’t matter. As long as it’s bound so that pages don’t get lost, and used solely for this class. You will be doing all of your in class writing in this notebook. You may also write down class notes in this notebook, but please keep in mind that it will  be turned in twice throughout the semester as part of your homework/writing grade.

Thirdly, don’t forget to read “City Limits,” or, the introduction to Colossus of New York by Colson Whitehead for tomorrow’s class!

And, finally, here are our personal goals for the semester, as designated by YOU:

– captivating audiences
– creativity
– expanding ideas
– public speaking
– reading comprehension
– staying focused
– structure
– vocabulary

Excited to work on improving all of these areas. See you tomorrow!

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