Open Pedagogy Event (Th 9/22): Open Educational Resources at City Tech

Open Pedagogy Event: Open Educational Resources at City Tech
Thursday September 22, 5:30-7:00pm (Faculty Commons, N227)

*Refreshments will be served. (Thanks to the Faculty Commons for its generous support of this event!)

*Part-time faculty are eligible to receive a stipend for participation.

*RSVP by commenting on this post. Please share this invitation with your colleagues!

Join faculty and staff around the college at the next Open Pedagogy event, where we will be partnering with the Library to discuss open educational resources (OERs): logo saying 'Open Education Resources - Property of Everyone' laid over a shelf of booksteaching materials that are free to redistribute, revise, and remix. Together, we’ll deconstruct the nebulous acronym “OER,” and distinguish what makes a resource free and what makes it open. We’ll discuss examples of several homegrown OERs and hear from the City Tech faculty who developed them.

We’ll also share updates on OER initiatives at City Tech and throughout CUNY, considering the following questions:

  • What challenges have faculty encountered while developing or considering developing OERs?
  • How can OERs impact student learning? How can they impact the teaching process?
  • How might OERs support course coordination and fill the gaps in course sequencing?
  • How can you use the OpenLab to create and circulate OERs you design?
  • What does the future of OERs and curricular materials look like?

Want to learn more about OERs? Here are a few short pieces for reference:

  • “Into the Open” (August 5, 2016). Karen Cangiolosi, Professor of Biology, Keene State College

*Image credit:

Join us on Th 11/12: Accessibility, Disability, and Open Digital Pedagogy

Accessibility, Disability, and Open Digital Pedagogy

Thursday, November 12, 2015, 4:30-6:00pm (Faculty Commons, N227)

*Refreshments will be served

(Please share the invitation with colleagues, and RSVP by commenting on this post)

Join faculty and staff around the college at the next Open Pedagogy event, where we will discuss issues of accessibility and disability in online communities and digital spaces. Together, we’ll explore key issues at stake and brainstorm how we, as faculty and staff, might better serve our students and each other by being aware of and competent in best practices. We will start to think through our open digital pedagogy to become more inclusive of all our members as we teach, research, collaborate, and communicate in open digital spaces. We’ll consider the following questions:

  • What do accessibility and disability mean and look like in online digital spaces?
  • What is universal design?
  • What are our responsibilities (ethical, legal, institutional, personal) to consider accessibility and disability, & implement changes to our pedagogy in response?
  • “Why is accessibility often treated as an afterthought” (Hoffman 2014)?
  • How can we make our work in open digital spaces more accessible?

Disability symbolsWant to learn more about issues of accessibility / disability in open digital pedagogies? Here are a few short pieces for reference:

  • Recent special issue of First Monday on “Disability and the Internet” that is hot off the (digital) press, and explores a wide ranges of issues on the topic (September 2015)

*Image credit: Disability Symbols (Wikimedia Commons)

More on Open Educational Resources

Following last week’s Open Pedagogy discussion, here are a few resources/events of possible interest. Enjoy!

Handout: Quick guide to find and use OER

A free webinar tomorrow  on Accessibility and OER (10/14 at 1 p.m.):

Arranged by the Community College Consortium for Open Educational Resources (CCCOER). No preregistration necessary:

Library programs (Wine and cheese will be served!):

Tomorrow! (10/14, 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. in N227) – Using Open Educational Resources (OER) in the classroom: a panel discussion

Next Tuesday! (10/20, 4 – 6 p.m. in the Faculty Lounge) – Scholarship Matters – Speakers Jesse Daniels and Megan Wacha talk about social justice and making our scholarship more visible

This Thursday, 11/21, 4-6:00pm: Fostering Conversation on the OpenLab

collage of comment bubbles You’ve saved the date–now let us know you can join us!

This Thursday afternoon, we’ll reconvene the group of us interested in Open Pedagogy on the OpenLab at an event focused on fostering conversation on (and with) the OpenLab. A few colleagues will briefly share some of their methods for generating and fostering conversation, and then we’ll continue our conversation by hearing from anyone who wants to share, ask questions, comment, etc. And we’ll have snacks, too! That’s where the RSVP comes it–it would be good to know how much snacking will take place. You can simply reply to this post letting us know if you can make it.

The details:

Fostering Conversation on the OpenLab

Thursday, November 21st

4:00-6:00 pm

Faculty Commons (N227)

Lively conversation plus snacks


image courtesy of Marc Wathieu

Save the Date!

This semester’s Open Pedagogy event will take place on Thursday, November 21st from 4:00-6:00 in the Faculty Commons. Our focus will be on generating conversation in online spaces. If you are interested in attending, let us know here.

We would also love to chat beyond this event, so some after-event conversation (perhaps at reBar–other venue suggestions welcome) is on the agenda as well!


CFP: Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy

Hi everyone, I saw this CFP and thought it might interest those who are engaging in open pedagogy. I think it’s an innovative journal and valuable resource for all of us who are interested in strengthening our pedagogical strategies. In the interest of full disclosure, I peer review for this journal.

Here’s the call:

JITP, The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy (, cordially invites submissions for all sections.

JITP welcomes work that explores critical and creative uses of interactive technology in teaching, learning, and research. We invite submissions of audio or visual presentations, interviews, dialogues, or conversations, creative works, manifestos, or jeremiads as well as traditional long-form articles. Submissions might explore content-neutral uses of technology, such as blogs, clickers, or multimedia projects, used in any discipline. Submissions might also focus on disciplinary uses of technology, such as software designed specifically to aid language learning or physics instruction. Discipline-specific submissions should be written for non-specialists.

Submissions that focus on pedagogy should balance theoretical frameworks with practical considerations of how new technologies play out in the classroom. Research-based submissions should include discussions of approach, method, and analysis. Successes and interesting failures are equally welcome (although see the Teaching Fails section below for an alternative outlet).

We intend that the journal itself – both in process and in product – serve as an opportunity to reveal, reflect on, and revise academic publication and classroom practice. All submissions will be considered for our Behind the Seams feature, in which we publish dynamic representations of the revision and editorial processes, including reflections from the participants.

All work appearing in the Issues section of JITP is reviewed independently by two scholars in the field, who provide formative feedback to the author during the review process. The submission deadline for the Fall 2013 issue is June 5, 2013 (Deadline Extended). Tool Tips, Teaching Fails, Assignments, and Book Reviews sections operate under a publish-then-peer-review model. Submissions for these sections are accepted on a rolling basis.

All work should be original and previously unpublished. Essays or presentations posted on a personal blog may be accepted, provided they are substantially revised; please contact us with any questions at

As a courtesy to our reviewers, we will not consider simultaneous submissions, but we will do our best to reply to you within 2-3 months of the submission deadline.

To view the journal, read the full guidelines, or submit, please go to

For technical details – file formats, documentation style, etc – please see our complete guidelines at

Open Pedagogy Kick-off event

The OpenLab Community Team invites you to come launch the Open Pedagogy on the OpenLab project. To kick off our project, our inaugural meeting will be a chance to meet each other face-to-face at an end-of-semester wine-and-cheese gathering. We can celebrate the semester about to close and brainstorm about next semester’s activities, including more exchanges on the Open Pedagogy site, as well as virtual and on-site discussions, workshops, and other programmed events.

When: Tuesday, 12/11, 4:00-6:00pm
Where: Faculty Commons, N227
Who: All Faculty and Staff interested in Open Pedagogy on the OpenLab
RSVP:, or reply here with a comment

If you haven’t already joined the Open Pedagogy on the OpenLab project, find out more about it on the project’s profile.

Looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday!


The purpose of this project is to create a forum on the OpenLab where we can ask questions, stimulate discussion, and share teaching materials, resources, and ideas related to teaching and learning on the OpenLab.

On the site we will be highlighting and archiving assignments from around the OpenLab that serve as good examples of open pedagogy on the OpenLab.  We’d also like to hear suggestions from you, so please feel free to use the discussion forum, docs, or leave a comment on this site.  And, as always, you can contact us at: with questions, requests, and suggestions.