Many of you need it. Things missing from your Journal? Your rough draft not turned in on time?
ONE reprieve awaits.
Read the instructions here:
Seeking Creative Solutions to Life's Complicated Problems
Many of you need it. Things missing from your Journal? Your rough draft not turned in on time?
ONE reprieve awaits.
Read the instructions here:
To facilitate attendance, Office Hour will now be officially moved from Thursdays to immediately after our class on Mondays _12:30PM-1:30PM_ in our classroom — G208.
Okay, Class. Here is the revised party plan. If you are on the list and can NOT come through, please let us know by “commenting” here. If you are not on the list and can help, please do! We need games, activities, desserts… If I got your contribution wrong, please let me know. Otherwise, the bottom line is: come through!!
Plan: Party is now revised to Dec. 11
Who and What:
Maria: sodas / drinks (including seltzer)
Ainur: juice
Anand: Everything hot and delicious and home cooked (fried chicken, mac and cheese, et al)
Leonard: ? drinks?
Kory and Kevon: plates, cups, cutlery — in short, really essential stuff for serving
Nigel and…Aaron and…? Possibly Kemani…: Card games like UNO and Crazy Eights. Board games like…?
Jordan: ?
Kemani and Adeeba: cookies or cake
Nethaniel: ?
Alexis and Professor: some exercises/activities/musical playlist for Lab Room and possible karaoke
Anand has offered to bring fried chicken and mac and cheese. Rei is on deck for pizza. There are mini muffins, drinks — in short, everyone has a role in what is turning (according to Alexis) into a massive party day. We will take a vote in class on Wednesday on just how complex this day will be and what it will entail in terms of preparation.
Oh yes — and, karaoke.
Stay tuned.
We will make up the time with individual conferences. I am sorry for the inconvenience.
: )
Sorry. See “Assignments” for details. All best, -Prof. S.
Prof. is not feeling well. Apologies.
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