ENG1151 Fall 2023

Category: Discussions (Page 3 of 8)

Cindy Martinez

Hello peers, my name is Cindy Martinez, I’m majoring in Human Services and I’m addressed as she / her. This is my last semester til graduation and I’m very happy that it’s finally coming to an end soon. I haven’t really been up to anything since I’ve been working all summer. On my days off from work, which are the weekends, I try to go out and spend as much quality time with my Fiance. We currently reside in Brooklyn. Some nyc activities or something that I enjoy doing mostly are going to the movies and trying new restaurants.

The picture I shared is just a little piece of memory where I felt the most comfortable and stress-free. Earlier this year started on a rocky foot and just when things felt like it was getting worse my fiance surprised me with a birthday trip that I’m grateful for , for it had turned a bad birthday into a sweet little vacation. I was introduced to a new environment and cultural values that differ from the ones I was raised into. I felt my most free self here and I would like to go back to this particular place for the people I met, food I loved and the tranquility.

Class Introduction

Heyyy everyone my name is Coumba (coo mmm baa) or you can just call me cece. I was born and raised in Brooklyn but I’m from Senegal the land of sharing and the jolof rice superior country. My pronouns are She/Her.  I currently don’t have a major that I want to pursue. I decided to take this class because it seems interesting and fun. Also when it comes to writing I love it especially when it’s open writing. I can’t wait to read everyone thoughts and writing that’s what makes a class even more interesting. Also one thing about me is that I am a barb (Nicki fan base) I always have to mention that when it comes to introducing myself because why not.

I decided to add this quote Into my post because we always go through hard things and we tend to blame it on ourselves. We shouldn’t always go hard on ourselves and when things doesn’t turn out the way we want it to we tend to give up. So this quote was from me to you all. I hope this quote inspires you all as much as it did for me.

Richard Morales

Hello to everyone reading this, my name is Richard and I major in Computer Engineering Technology, I am addressed as he/him. I am Ecuadorian and I was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York but now almost a year living in Queens. My hobbies are playing video games, watching anime, reading manga, and last but not least dog walking with my puppy. The mass media that interests me are the influences of technology. The way I feel in college right now is with full great dedication to always knowing and learning something in new semesters and as well delighted to being very close to graduation.

In the picture shown below this is a project I did for one of my classes about over a year ago where I had to create a vehicle of my own creation using the website called Tinkercad it was something that was very special to me since it took a lot of time and hard effort to do even though it looks to simple, easy, and fast to do but it was quiete the opposite actually which can be hard to believe but as aside from all that it was a creation of mine that I had to present the whole class and people loved it and I was super happy and proud to do!



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