ENG1151 Fall 2023

Kiana Rodnell Introduction

Hello everyone, my name is Kiana I am currently in my 3rd semester here at CityTech. My major is Business & Tech of Fashion. I enjoy playing video games and playing basketball. My favorite color is blue. Some things I would love to do is to travel the world and just visit different states and countries. As of right now I am feeling like college is becoming more and more stressful as I do more semester, but I am getting through it.

Something that is meaningful to me is basketball. Basketball is important to me because I am just able to be stress free while doing something I love. I just feel as if when I am playing basketball I can connect to other and make new friends. I love everything about the sport.

1 Comment

  1. Christopher Willis

    Hello Kiana, 

    Traveling and playing basketball are also some of the things I enjoy. The place I want to visit the most is Japan. Japan is where the sports car scene started, and they have cars that are not street-legal in the United States. I have only been to one NBA game, and that was when Deron Williams was on the Nets and still in the League. However, I am a Knicks fan. I agree that college can get stressful, but some suggestions that worked for me were speaking to professors during office hours and taking breaks to avoid burnout and excess stress. I hope that can help.  


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