Category: Discussions (Page 7 of 14)

Carolina Reyes

Hello, my name is Carolina Reyes. My pronouns are she/her. I was born and raised in Brooklyn. My parents are both Mexican. My current major is health science but i am planning to change my major. I currently work as an assistant teacher in a pre-k school and really love what i do. My hobbies include playing soccer and just spending time with my family.

That is my dog Lex. Hes very meaningful to me because he belonged to my brother in law. He was around 21 when he got the dog but then my sister in law was expecting and the doctors told her that she should not be doing strenuous activity and being pulled by Lex was rough! They gave the dog to us in the meantime and I just ended up staying with Lex because they were taking care of their son and it was just too much work to have had the dog too. My brother in law passed away recently and Lex is just a reminder of him. He really is alot of work though but its ok.


Hello classmates my

name is Khalid and this is my second year of college i’m excited to learn and experince this new journey.

My pronouns are he /him i was born and raised in the bronx. I really enjoy the medical field and also i enjoi writting i look at it as a way to express my self and let go of all the things that are in my head amd releasing it on to a paper

Ireally enjoy going to the gym. I use it as therapy i am able to do all my thinking in the gym and resolve a lot of my issues. The gym also helps me mental as well not just phyically. I’ve

Luis Delgado Introduction

My name is Luis Delgado. My pronouns are he/him. I live in the Bronx and my parents are from the Dominican Republic. I am currently majoring in LAA but I plan to transfer and take up philosophy with a minor in paralegal studies. My hobbies include playing video games (How original) play guitar and fixing technological hardware. I have a “talent” or knack for things in technology but ultimately decided that it was not what I want to do in life and decided to work towards a goal more aligned with my inquisitive interests.

There are a lot of things in this life that mean a great deal to me. However, those are all personal, and I don’t know ya like that so here are pictures of my cats. Adorable aren’t they. Me and my mother had gotten them 2 years ago from a friend who took REALLY bad care of them. They were on the verge of death but we took all of them in (It was originally supposed to be one) and now we have four cats. They can be a handful but ultimately I love all of them and feel a great deal of pride and happiness seeing them.

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