My name is Luis Delgado. My pronouns are he/him. I live in the Bronx and my parents are from the Dominican Republic. I am currently majoring in LAA but I plan to transfer and take up philosophy with a minor in paralegal studies. My hobbies include playing video games (How original) play guitar and fixing technological hardware. I have a “talent” or knack for things in technology but ultimately decided that it was not what I want to do in life and decided to work towards a goal more aligned with my inquisitive interests.

There are a lot of things in this life that mean a great deal to me. However, those are all personal, and I don’t know ya like that so here are pictures of my cats. Adorable aren’t they. Me and my mother had gotten them 2 years ago from a friend who took REALLY bad care of them. They were on the verge of death but we took all of them in (It was originally supposed to be one) and now we have four cats. They can be a handful but ultimately I love all of them and feel a great deal of pride and happiness seeing them.