Author: Carolina

Extra credit

Reading Franklins petition to congress reminds me of the experiment he conducted on himself. He tried to do the right thing all the time and he knew that slavery was just morally wrong. In the petition, Franklin mentions that all men in the country should be able to be free in order to be happy. It is wrong for men to be sold and bought in a country which is supposed to be founded on equal liberty and justice. This petition leaves a mark on early America and the struggle to address the problem of slavery.

week 4

Franklins autobiography was interesting to me because he speaks about his early years and his struggles and shows how his character developed. Something in particular that stood out to me is when he conducted the experiment on himself by creating a virtue chart. He created this chart because he wanted to achieve moral perfection. He also wanted others to follow him if they wanted to improve themselves to contribute for a better society. Another thing that stood out to me is that Franklin used to love reading. He did not grow up with much and couldn’t afford books so he would borrow books. He also sold whatever books he had to buy more books. He read so much that when he got a fever on his trip to Philadelphia he remembered that he read if he drank a lot of cold water, it would go away.

Franklin and Smiths lives were similar in which they both worked really hard. Franklin wanted to make a name for himself in the printing business and worked under his brother as an apprentice. They had different views and it strained their relationship which made Franklin want to leave and establish himself elsewhere. Smith also worked really hard to free himself and his children by working and buying their freedom. He was also able to purchase land and buy a house. He faced challenges such as land dispute and racial prejudice but he continues to work hard to be able to provide a better future for his decendants.

Carolina Reyes

Hello, my name is Carolina Reyes. My pronouns are she/her. I was born and raised in Brooklyn. My parents are both Mexican. My current major is health science but i am planning to change my major. I currently work as an assistant teacher in a pre-k school and really love what i do. My hobbies include playing soccer and just spending time with my family.

That is my dog Lex. Hes very meaningful to me because he belonged to my brother in law. He was around 21 when he got the dog but then my sister in law was expecting and the doctors told her that she should not be doing strenuous activity and being pulled by Lex was rough! They gave the dog to us in the meantime and I just ended up staying with Lex because they were taking care of their son and it was just too much work to have had the dog too. My brother in law passed away recently and Lex is just a reminder of him. He really is alot of work though but its ok.