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Final post midnight summer dream

“Or, even if the lovers are a good match, their love might be ruined by war, death, or sickness, so that the affair only lasts an instant. Their time together might be as fleeting as a shadow or as short as a dream, lasting only as long as it takes a lightning bolt to flash across the sky. Before you can say “look,” it’s gone. That’s how intense things like love are quickly destroyed”.

This entire scene breaks my heart because it’s so common even in real life. For example in the Asian culture it is common for family to look at the husband and match their social hierarchy,  pay, and looks. If not matched it’s a  sign of disrespect. If you haven’t given anything else to your parents then you basically owe them marrying a significant other of their choice. Most of the time it is for bragging rights. I’ve had multiple friends break up because they’re parents were never going to be be okay with who they loved. No matter the strength of it. It makes sense how do you disobey the people who gave you most important ( food,water,shelter)? Most  get to flee early and live their lives but in tradition, if you married that is when you may leave the house. Love is scary. It’s an ache that you can’t control  in any circumstances. In this play Heermia is pushing to marry her lover knowing that she’s going against her father.


The film adaptations of a book can be excited to see. Really though, especially while reading the scripts imaginary play-especially on words all you could think was “what in the world, back then was MESSY AND OWNED THEIR RESPONSIBILITIES IN THE END. GOSH,” when really it blew your imagination away. I admit, while attempting to read the play, I got pretty far into it from the great communication that seemed-the words were nothing short of passion. Well who’s the ‘bad guy’ oh, but he earned some bonus point of sense, I kept arguing between Lysander and Hermia as he owned his confessions to Hermia’s Father, seemingly away, there communication was the greatest effort of love. Shakespeare, gives each character exactly what they were created for- character. I was intrigued, So I had to watch the film.

See I went from, ‘what, who, where, why,’ I would say in instance. This play, however zapped so fast I had to double back a versus, Am I inconsistent or is this play really just consistent. At the start of the play, right off it’s entirely nothing but passion, a 3 odder love-ship between Hermia and Lysander, then of course his unconventional courtship ‘beggar with a choice,’ Demetrius. Yup, this must really be just a consistent story line, just different sides of passion whos fate got tested, when the moods switched. As the king states, knowingly in Acts 1 Scene 1, “People who can restrain their passions and stay virgins forever are holy. But although a virgin priestess might be rewarded in heaven, a married woman is happier on Earth. A married woman is like a rose who is picked and made into a beautiful perfume, while a priestess just withers away on the stem (70, Theseus). As clear as day, during the Film adaptations of 1969, by the Royals Shakespeare Company, when night fell  “(the time of night that always hides runaway lovers), we plan to sneak out of Athens (Acts1, Scene 1. lines 211)” As characters are placed in moments of passion each different objectives for creeping, true intentions were revealed, of both passion within received clarifications, from without.

Violet’s: A Midsummer Night’s Dream Final Post

 A Midsummer Night’s Dream is a romantic comedy, written by William Shakespeare around 1595. It’s full of joy, laughing, and love, as well as magical fairies and dreams.  However, there are many complex interplays between the plot and the characters. The play is set in two places and is in Athens and a forest outside Athens. As there are many characters and many scenes in the play, I have found act one scene one particularly intriguing me a lot. From this scene, I’ve discovered love is a mysterious energy that causes individuals to behave in illogical ways.

 In act one, scene 1 of A midsummer night’s dreamTheseus, the Duke of Athens, and Hippolyta, former Amazon Queen, discuss their upcoming wedding in four days. Egeus, a nobleman, complains to Theseus about his daughter Hermia’s preference for Lysander over Demetrius. Hermia declares that she cannot marry Demetrius and that she would prefer to die than marry anyone other than Lysander. Lysander has found another woman Helena is in love with Demetrius. Theseus said Hermia has to obey her father otherwise her choices are to die or become a nun. Hermia and Lysander decided to run away from Athens. Then Helena walks in, expressing how much she loves Demetrius but her love is not acknowledged. Hermia and Lysander tell their plan to Helena and she tells Demetrius Hermia and Lydsnders plan where they are going just so she can have a chance to see Demetrius. This scene introduces many key characters and sets the stage for the play’s major conflict. When the four lovers entered the woods, the real confusion in the play starts. When Robin Goodfellow, a fairy, employs magic to make Demetrius love Helena again, he accidentally causes Lysander to fall in love with Helena. He attempts to straighten things out, and he succeeds in making Demetrius fall in love with Helena. Both men now love Helena, but neither loves Hermia. Almost everyone is unhappy until Robin sorts out the problem and the four Athenians pair off into couples making everyone happy.

Helena’s character is my favorite in this play because she reflects on the illogical nature of love as she explains her affections for Demetrius, despite the fact that he has treated her horribly.

According to Lysander’s statement, one of a Midsummer night’s Dream “The course of true love never did run smooth,” which indicates one of the major themes of A Midsummer Night’s Dream’s that is the difficulty of love. This significance is exemplified by the imperfect affection between the four young Athenians. Lisander likes Hermia, Hermia likes Lisander, Helena likes Demetrius and Demetrius likes Hermia more than Helima. A typical number imbalance where two men create emotions towards the same woman resulting in one woman having too many suits and the other having too few. The play has a lot of promise for a conventional conclusion, and the story is built on a quest for internal balance in many ways; that is, when the lovers’ tangle resolves into symmetrical pairs, the play will have reached its typical happy finish.


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