Author: Shagota (Page 1 of 2)

Final post midnight summer dream

“Or, even if the lovers are a good match, their love might be ruined by war, death, or sickness, so that the affair only lasts an instant. Their time together might be as fleeting as a shadow or as short as a dream, lasting only as long as it takes a lightning bolt to flash across the sky. Before you can say “look,” it’s gone. That’s how intense things like love are quickly destroyed”.

This entire scene breaks my heart because it’s so common even in real life. For example in the Asian culture it is common for family to look at the husband and match their social hierarchy,  pay, and looks. If not matched it’s a  sign of disrespect. If you haven’t given anything else to your parents then you basically owe them marrying a significant other of their choice. Most of the time it is for bragging rights. I’ve had multiple friends break up because they’re parents were never going to be be okay with who they loved. No matter the strength of it. It makes sense how do you disobey the people who gave you most important ( food,water,shelter)? Most  get to flee early and live their lives but in tradition, if you married that is when you may leave the house. Love is scary. It’s an ache that you can’t control  in any circumstances. In this play Heermia is pushing to marry her lover knowing that she’s going against her father.

Quote 2 Letter to My Nephew

” You were born where you were born and faced the future that you faced because you were black and for no other reason.”


This quote breaks my heart. I wasn’t aware of how bad racism was till the BLM movement took place and my friend told me ” keep an extra eye on your surroundings, the black person in the room is always eyed down”.  As much as I wanted my peer to be wrong , he wasn’t. The amount of police brutality because of a pigment on someone’s skin has increased over the years. For example George Floyd. There was no reason the man had to die. Even after his death, racist people made jokes around his death. Another example who is Andrew Brown Jr.  He was assumed to use his car as a ” deadly weapon” even though they stated he hadn’t had any weapons to begin with.  All these innocent souls being lost because of the color of skin, The same skin that covers our bones and no matter what shade, we all bleed the same blood.

Quote ” Between the World and Me”

“I have seen that dream all my life. It is perfect houses with nice lawns. It is Memorial Day cookouts, block associations, and driveways. The Dream is tree houses and the Cub Scouts. And for so long I have wanted to escape into the Dream, to fold my country over my head like a blanket. But this has never been an option, because the Dream rests on our backs, the bedding made from our bodies.”

This quote hit home. The American dream is to come to America and get the perfect house, family gatherings, all of it but you must  understand how to work the system to possibly get there. There’s so many things that roots from the systematic issues we have  but how do you put food on the table , when all you have is enough to pay for exactly that? People come here searching for opportunities and even though finding a job is known to be “easy” , its a minimum paid job to get you surviving but that’s it. In this quote, he mentions it from his perspective and how the color of his skin affects this ( my assumption ) . It’s the dream for him but the way America is and that includes the injustice, it just doesn’t seem like a dream worth thinking about.

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