Written Assignment

This is a written assignment completed for the course of Management of Care in Nursing; it was completed as a group by me and classmates for this course.

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Natural Born Birthing Clinic

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Open link to see my strengths narrative


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Baccalaureate degree in Nursing self analysis

My learning experience within the baccalaureate program has improved my nursing practice because it gives me a broader view of nursing. I have learned many ways to improve communities with an urban platform. The nursing program has encouraged me to advocate for patients, family as well as communities to improve health and well-being. Another major learning experience had been various ways to conduct research to bring about evidenced based practices; which can be used for future generation nurses. Research is paramount within the nursing profession because it maintains our quality within the health care system. Professional nursing practice taught me it is very important for nurses to strive to be in the process of policy making to represent our needs and wants for a healthy community as well as society.

I have grown to be more confident and open-minded due to the learning experience within the baccalaureate nursing program. The program has taught me to be a lifelong self -learner because the nursing profession is constantly evolving and what is expected of us is always increasing. I have also grown to be a better collaborator and communicator with colleagues and other professions to improve the psychosocial and physiological health of patients. I have learned that we as nurses will bring different viewpoints about a single topic and as a professional nurse I must embrace all ideas in a proficient manner. Communication and behavior is nursing had been an elective I took in summer; which a short session, but I learned that communication with colleagues and patients requires skill and practice to master; with the use of assertiveness and being culturally competent to have a well outcome.

I have learned and grown profoundly throughout the program because of role modeling and certain professors having a passion for the nursing practice but more so for teaching the nursing practice to new graduate nurses and experienced nurses alike. It was a pleasure to be a part of New York City College of Technology’s Baccalaureate nursing program.

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See link for resume

Narida Morle Resume 2015

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Philosophy of Nursing

Nursing, an art form that embodies care, love and empathy. To encourage healthfulness within any environment and therefore uplifting the health of the community. Improving the nursing profession with creative and innovative practices that are evidenced based; assuring the health of individuals and networks of people through our technological advanced nursing world. Treating persons in an holistic manner and to meet basic human needs to improve the well-being of others.

Philosophy of Nursing

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Blog 3

Describe an interaction between yourself and client at your clinical site.

The interaction was initiated by me with a greeting of “Good Morning” and the resident replied back with a “Good Morning”. This interaction had been at the East Broadway house for community access. This had actually been my first encounter with him and he’d seemed open to conversation. This day in particular had “Smoothie Day”; which is a day that we planned to make smoothies using healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables in addition to education about nutrition. The resident had been elated to interact with me, through his non-verbal cues and verbal cues. His body language was of excitement and eagerness to learn about ways to help him lose weight. I had explained to him the importance of eating balanced meals throughout the day as well as maintaining hydrating status with lots of fluids. In addition the importance of protein and fiber to a healthy diet. He explained to me the difficulties he has been having with losing weight and his cravings. In the end it was a great interaction and the resident felt he had learned ways to tackle his weight lost goals.

Is there anything you would or could do to promote wellness or facilitate the client’s self-care skills?

There are multiple things that I could do to promote wellness and facilitate the client’s self-care skills. First it would be friendly reminders to help the client remember the ways in which he can lose weight to prevent the pitfalls of forgetfulness. As well as information sessions to improve the clients knowledge about weight lost and the innovative ways to approach the weight loss. The information sessions would be tailored to their reading levels and as interactive as possible. Being a rea support system and allowing the client’s to understand you will always be there for them whenever they need help.

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American Museum of Natural History


The trip to the American Museum of Natural History had been an informative one due to the exhibit,” Countdown to Zero”. This exhibit displayed the history of diseases and the progression of the disease to present day. The larvae is then implanted in the person’s stomach and then the worm grows later coming out of the person’s skin. The disease that peeked my interest the most had been Guinea Worm Disease. Why? Well because the people are infected with this disease after drinking water, which in fact they would drink water directly from the river. Water is such an important factor to basic human needs and the fact that these people will get sick from drinking water is saddening. But I was also encouraged because they would use used pvc pipes, which are pipes that had a mesh and thin cloth to filter the water and the people would drink from the river with these pipes like it was a straw. This encouraged me because it is amazing how they created a way to filter the water without abandoning their culture. The fact that they had been able to overcome it and decrease the incidence of the disease through education and an innovative way to manage the development of the disease within an extremely tight budget. I never take advantage of all the things I have been blessed with as an American citizen but this exhibit increased my appreciation.

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Self reflection edited


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Narrative Reflection

Evaluationand self reflection

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Welcome! Narida Morle AAS, RN

Welcome to my Open lab and I am a newly licensed registered nurse and received my AAS in Nursing here at City tech and it was a hard journey but I made it through with the help of my family and friends. I am currently as a home care nurse and it has had its challenges but nursing is very rewarding. This portfolio will mainly focus on the learning process of the baccalaureate program and professional accomplishment as well as PRO nursing practices topics.

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