My First Collab

While I have creative freedom on projects, I work alone on them. Juan goes over most assignments with me to make sure I fully understand what is being asked and what the client expects from us. I usually don’t ever work with anyone else. However, one day I came into work and Michael had a new assignment for me. It was actually the first time that Michael had assigned something to me.

My job was to take product shots and clean them up so they’d be ready to upload for our Portfolio on the website. I shot pictures of about forty hats using the DSLR in the little studio set up we have. Michael showed me what sort of shots to take depending on the style and design of hat. After I finished taking all of the necessary photos, I uploaded them to my computer. Before I began the retouching phase, Juan showed me how he goes about doing this sort of thing. After I finished at the end of the day, I waited for Michael to approve them.

The following day, Michael pointed out to me that some of the hats needed to be redone because they didn’t match the ones already on the website and everything needed to be consistent. He then showed me his techniques and how he goes about editing in Photoshop. Once I began following his ways, I realized I liked it so much better than the way I had originally gone about doing it. Not only did I finish faster, it produced cleaner and more accurate results. Michael approved these almost right away. Now all we’re waiting on is Larry’s approval so they can be put online along with the other products that Captiv8 has proudly designed. Once Larry has given the okay on these hats, we can get started on other products.

Here is the link to Captiv8Promotions Portfolio. Check it out:

Here are a few of hats I worked on:



hat_0000_layer-comp-1       hat_0013_layer-comp-14 hat5

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