Team 6: Base Wine Requisition

Team 6: Base Wine Requisition

1. Cabernet Franc 2015, North-folk Long Island

2. Cabernet Sauvignon 2015, North-folk Long Island

Our experience at Red Hook Winery was wonderful. All three red wines we tasted were unique and stood out as individuals on the palate. As a team we chose to blend the Cabernet Franc and Cabernet Sauvignon together, making our initial thoughts about pairing these two wines correct. The Cabernet Franc at Red Hook Winery was fresh and clean, and the Sauvignon was bold, dry, rich, and oaky, as we had predicted. Once we sampled both wines together in a glass we found out that the Franc dimmed down the boldness of the Sauvignon, which is what we were looking for. The Sauvignon was a strong wine that can stand on it’s own but not particularly a perfect match for our braised beef and duchess potatoes. We wanted a smoother, less dry wine that can help a guest wash down the meal and not leave them with a lingering taste of oak on the palate. The winemakers at Red Hook winery mentioned both their Franc and Sauvignon are young wines. We decided we would like the wines to be aged for about five months in neutral barrels to let the blend concentrate and build in flavor. Overall our wine should have aromas of dark cherry, light oak, medium acidity, dry but not overwhelmingly, pre-mature blackberries, and hints of Red Hot candy. We are excited to get started on our blend.

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