Class Info

  • Date: Thursday, January 26, 2023
  • Meeting Info: In Person on Campus



We will begin by getting to know each other. The professor and each student will be given the opportunity to introduce themselves and share interests and backgrounds. We will review Class Syllabus and expectations for students. We will have a Question & Answer period.

The best use and best practices associated with Adobe Illustrator will also be discussed. File Formats, File Naming Conventions, and File Extensions will also be reviewed.


What you can expect to learn

  • Orientation Material
  • Mac Interface
  • Launching Illustrator
Adobe Illustrator Tool Box


Each week we will review homework assignments from the previous class. Students will participate in reviewing material and offering suggestions for improvement for their cohort.


Lab assignments are done during class time. This week we will find examples of two Vector Files to be shared with the class.  

01 Lab – Duplicating Shapes 

  • Create a square and duplicate it in alignment across the page. Change each box color with direct selection tool using Swatches panel.
  • Select all shapes and Group them
  • Duplicate the row of grouped shapes down the whole page.

Save file as:  01_­Last


Each week you will need to respond to one or two questions posted. This is a requirement for the participation part of your grade.

Homework Due Next Class: 

All work should be submitted by 10:00 pm on Thursday.

01 Homework – Logo with your initials 

  • Type your two initial letters separately so you can align them in a way that they can be woven.
  • Go to Type > Create Outlines.
  • Overlap the letters in a way that they can be woven inside and outside of each other. You may want to enlarge one letter for a better overlap.
  • Go to Window > Pathfinder > Divide. All the overlapping shapes becomes separate shapes.
  • Use the Direct Select Tool (White arrow) to fill the overlapped shape with the opposite color.
  • The finished design should look like letters are intertwined.

Save file as:  01_­Last


Here are some notes that you should read to educate yourself in the topic area described above.