I will choose Adobe Illustrator ahead of the other Adobe Software if I decide to work on a project that is graphic design or illustration related, or if there’s a project that is designed on computer art only with any Adobe program. Even if people are interested in doing graphics that are vectors. For example, let’s say if a professor asks you to do an editorial illustration that connects to the article, Adobe Illustrator is where you can do that. Designers can picture what they imagine in that article and create what they know or what they see. Another example would be if your professor asked you to do a poster that represents New York City, Adobe Illustrator is the place to do that. Designers can use Adobe Illustrator if they have some ideas on their sketches and put those sketches as part of a design on illustrator to color. 

The three things I might create with Adobe illustrator are Posters, Business Cards and Logos. The first thing on the list that I can create with Adobe Illustrator are Posters. Designers can create a document where it has dimensions of what size they want their posters to be. The second thing on the list that I can create with Adobe Illustrator are Business Cards. Designers can create an artboard and set up the size. If they want to add text to it, they can use the text box tool and will also have different types of fonts to choose from. If they want to have color in their business cards, they can use the color fill when they use the shape tool. The third thing on the list that I can create with Adobe Illustrator are Logos. You can use the shape tool and use pathfinder to modify the shapes.