Maureen Neuringer | COMD 1162 - Section D030

02 Homework

All work should be submitted by 3:00 pm the Tuesday before the next class.

Each file should be saved according to the following naming convention. i.e., (Adobe Illustrator).

  • Create an interesting pattern, using the shape tools. Rotate shapes into a bouquet of rotated flowers 
  • Don’t forget to consider the background.
  • Save it in the correct naming convention and email it to your professor for your folder.

Due Date(s)

  • 1162_02 Homework is due – at 3:00 pm the Tuesday before the next class. Students should email as required by the professor.

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1 Comment

  1. Amy

    Question 01 –

    How do you duplicate a shape while keeping it aligned with the original shape?

    In order to duplicate a shape while keeping it aligned with the original shape on a Mac, you will have to press on shift and option to align the original shape in place. Then you will have to press the command (⌘) key and C at the same time to copy. Then, press on the command (⌘)) key and V at the same time in order to paste the object. And then use your mouse to drag the duplicated shape from the original shape. To duplicate on Windows, you would have to press control+D to align the shape in place.

    Question 02 –

    How would you “globally” change colors from your design? For example, change all blue colors to purple.

    In order to globally change colors from my design, I would have to go to windows and add swatch. Then press on the color I want, in this case, I would double click on the color purple then click global.