Maureen Neuringer | COMD 1162 - Section D030

07 Discussion

Each week you will need to respond to two questions posted. Your response should be a minimum of 150 words for both questions. You should also include at least one response to your fellow students. The responses are a requirement for participation part of your grade.

Question 01 –

What is the value of creating layers in Illustrator?

Question 02 –

Describe how you can be sure the shapes you are creating are closed. How can you check to see if they are?


  1. felix

    Question 01 –

    What is the value of creating layers in Illustrator?

    There is definitely value in creating layers in Illustrator. Creating layers in Illustrator allows you to keep your stuff neat and organized When you separate and organize your content by layers, it makes it easier to find, edit, hide, and move your work without affecting the other content on other layers.

    Question 02 –

    Describe how you can be sure the shapes you are creating are closed. How can you check to see if they are?

    When you are creating a closed shape, you want to make sure the starting and ending points must somehow meet each other so that the color inside the shape is completely enclosed within the boundaries of the object. To check if they are closed, you can use Ctrl +Y to check your paths and close up any open parts you find.It is important to check if a shape is closed or else it won’t fill properly.

  2. Virmel Morales

    Question 1:

    Illustrator layers let you organize your artwork by logically separating parts, which makes managing complex designs easier. Working on different portions of your design separately is made easier with layers, which also make it easier to edit, hide, or lock individual elements without impacting other aspects. Layers also make it easier for designers to collaborate by allowing them to work on different parts of the project at the same time while keeping everything organized and clear.

    Question 2:

    Using the “Close Path” tool in Adobe Illustrator or making sure all anchor points are connected are two ways to make sure shapes are closed. Shapes can be checked to see if they are closed by using the “Selection Tool” to choose the shape and then looking for a solid color fill, which indicates that the shape is closed. As an alternative, you can check for breaks or openings in the path using the “Outline” view mode, which would suggest that the shape is not completely closed.

    • felix

      Never tried using the outline view mode so definitely will give it a try next time. Thank you for the suggestion Virmel

  3. Sandra

    Question 01 –

    What is the value of creating layers in Illustrator?

    Creating layers in Illustrator enhances flexibility when you want to work with the specific parts of your artwork. When we separate objects by layers, we’re able to adjust and edit objects separately. For instance, I would use layers to group similar objects, or objects with the same function in my project, so I could easily select them all to work with at a time. Another example of when we can use layers is when we have a piece with overlapping foregrounds and backgrounds. In addition to controlling different objects, we can also change how the objects in the layers look by applying blending modes.

    Question 02 –

    Describe how you can be sure the shapes you are creating are closed. How can you check to see if they are?

    When using the pen tool to create shapes, the mini circle icon will indicate that you’re closing the shape. Otherwise, I would check by attempting to apply a fill.

  4. Amy

    Question 01 —

    What is the value of creating layers in Illustrator?

    The value of creating layers in Adobe Illustrator is to organize everything. You can easily see which line and color is in which layer and get easy access to changing it. With layers, you can delete or add on to a certain part of your work. If you didn’t create layers, it would be hard to go back to several parts you were working on and edit it. The whole thing would be extremely difficult to move around and apply changes to. 

    Question 02 –

    Describe how you can be sure the shapes you are creating are closed. How can you check to see if they are?

    To ensure that the shapes you’ve created are fully closed, you can press command+Y to see the paths. You can see if your shape is fully closed or not during this process. If your shapes are not fully closed, then it won’t be fully connected.

  5. riiiichord

    Question 01 –

    Knowing how to utilize layers will significantly improve your workflow and efficiency. Separating different works into different layers on the same file will allow you to work more freely without having to worry about interfering or accidentally making an unintended change to another. You can do this by locking and even hiding a layer so that you cannot change them or even have them in the way of your new visionary design. Another nice look that Adobe Illustrator provides for layers is its color differentiation, so that you’re able to tell which path, lines, or points belong to which layers almost like a folder making layers very easy to navigate through intuition. You also aren’t only restricted to separating different artworks as you can also differentiate different parts of your artwork using layers. For example, you can use layers to separate the face, eyes, hair, etc. of a portrait! Thus, making layers very valuably flexible to your advantage.

    Question 02 –

    Oftentimes, when you are working with the Pen tool, the thickness of the stroke will inhibit your ability to tell if a path is connected to another or not. Adobe Illustrator has what is called “Outline Mode” which can be switched to by pressing CMD/CTRL + Y, which will change the appearance of the artwork entirely into paths. This should make everything look like thin lines. Closed shapes should have paths connected entirely, whereas open shapes would have their path not connected in a certain area (think closed shapes as a string with two of its ends glued together). To correct this, you can simply use the pen tell to connect the endpoints of a path together, or by CMD/CTRL + J to connect them into a closed shape.

    • raesa

      I had no idea about outline mode. Thank you for teaching me something new Richard. Your explanations are very helpful!!

    • Amy

      Hi Richard, thanks for giving us a detailed response with all the details, your answer is like a tour guide to adobe illustrator.

    • Sandra

      I wasn’t aware of the outline mode before. It seems helpful, thanks for explaining!

  6. Frantasia Sanz

    Question 01 – In Adobe Illustrator, layers are like transparent sheets that you can put different parts of your artwork on. They help keep everything organized and make it easier to work on complex designs. For example, if you’re drawing a picture of a landscape, you might put the sky on one layer, the trees on another, and the ground on another. This way, you can edit each part separately without messing up the rest of the picture. Layers also let you hide or show parts of your artwork, so you can focus on what you’re working on. They’re like different levels of your design that you can control individually.

    Question 02 – The most effective way of checking if a shape in Adobe Illustrator is closed is by using your anchor points to check for mistakes in your artwork.

  7. Michael Lester

    Question 1 

    There are many benefits to using layers in illustrator, some of which being the ability to isolate and lock different items so when you’re selecting or making adjustments, you’re only affecting the item/s that’s on a designated layer. Another benefit it provides is the ability to trace over an image that’s on a locked layer. Overall, layers are very valuable as they allow you to isolate, lock and organize layers which can come in handy when working on projects. 

    Question 2 

    In order to be sure of whether or not your shapes are closed, you just have to look to see if the stroke of the shape is fully connected or if there are any gaps. Alternatively, you can check to see if the shape is connected by using the outline path feature. You can do this by pressing CMD + Y. This will allow you to see all the paths on your document. So, by using this you will see if any of your paths are disconnected. 

  8. Sandra Saeteros

    Question 1- What is the value of creating layers on Illustrator?

    The value of creating layers in illustrator is that it allows you to separate your work in different sections as well to keep them organized by creating folders as well as renaming them depending on what you are working on instead of not knowing what each layer is. Layers also help you to lock your work if you only want to focus in one specialized area instead of the whole thing. This helps when wanting to do small details that only involve one specific area. 

    Question 2- Describe how you can be sure the shapes you are creating are closed. How can you check to see if they are?

    When using a Pen tool you’re able to connect or create new points, by intersecting your last point to your first point you are creating a close shape. To check where your points are you can go on your toolbar choose Direct selection or Selection and press on your object. If there is a flaw or no last point connecting your last point to your initial point then you can see that it’s not a close object.

  9. Auribel Vargas Pena

    • Question #1

    Creating layers in Illustrator is very essential because they allow you to organize and structure your artwork in a better way without interfering with any other features of what you are working on. Layers also allow you as a designer to modify and also separate the parts of your work, locking them to focus on another features. Lastly, layers in illustrator increases productivity by streamlining your design process and cutting down on the time that you’ve spend working on your artwork.

    • Question #2

    To ensure your shapes are closed in Illustrator. You have the option to view the artwork in outline mode by either clicking on the eye icon (if drawing from a reference) or using the keys Command + Y to enter outline mode. This way you can see where the shapes are closed.

  10. Naglaa

    Question 01 –

    What is the value of creating layers in Illustrator?

    The value of creating layers in Illustrator is to help us organize our work, and have more control  it make editing easier.

    Question 02 –

    Describe how you can be sure the shapes you are creating are closed. 

    To make sure that the shapes are closed, connect the outline from the start point to the start point. You can check by zooming in or fill the shape.

    • Auribel Vargas Pena

      Hello Naglaa! You’ve provided an easy and quicker way to check if your shapes are closed. I’ll definitely put that into practice as well. Work smarter not harder!

  11. raesa

    Question 01 – What is the value of creating layers in Illustrator?

    The value of creating layers in Illustrator is major. Using multiple layers allows us to work freely without worrying about ruining other things. This is because you can do many things within different layers. You are able to edit multiple layers, hide layers, and lock layers to work without touching content on other layers you might have. This usually helps build efficiency when working on something, but honestly, it’s up to how a person works themself! I personally prefer layers but only for certain situations/cases. I also just wanted to include how to add multiple layers on illustrator: open the layers panel (CMD/CTRL + L for panel) and then click the create new layer button (should appear as a + in a box) at the bottom of the Layers panel.


    Question 02 – Describe how you can be sure the shapes you are creating are closed. How can you check to see if they are?

    To ensure shapes that you are creating are closed shapes you can connect the shape on all ends to ensure its closed, an example would be a triangle, when making this shape with pen tool you would want to make sure the end point is joint with the first point. Another way to ensure shapes are closed is by clicking CMD/CTRL + J to connect two points on the open shape. Lastly you can go into the object drop-down menu and select path > join to close and open shape. As for checking to see if your shape is closed, you can simply check to see if the start / end points connect or not. I’m assuming you can also attempt to fill the shape to see if it’s closed as well but I’m not entirely sure about that. 

    • riiiichord

      Thank you for teaching me about the CMD+J shortcut, Raesa! I had no idea that there was a shortcut to join paths in Illustrator. This really helped me out in answering this question.