image by Maranda Vandergriff
Landing this job was pretty simple, it was a good thing that I already had a prior connection with the organization. This made it easier to land the internship, When I reached out to the organization’s president I really was not sure if they would say yes and if there were going to be steps to getting the job. However after I got the email back, they added me to a Zoom call and started getting me introduced to the team. My supervisor in that meeting let me know that they wanted my resume and wanted to meet with me in person to talk about the internship. The first Zoom meeting went great, in a way I was the only designer there and they started me off right away with my first task.
During the in-person meeting, my supervisor asked me a couple of questions. She first asked me why I wanted to do an internship with them. She followed up with what skills I have right now and what skills would I like to improve or gain through this experience. She let me know that working as a communication team member was going to be very fast-paced and that if I ever have comments or things that I believe can be improved in the company then to let her know and that we would work on it together. Overall the interview went amazing and I am excited for this experience.