
image by Medienstürmer

There are many great people in the organization that I intern for, there are many people that I look up to and would want to follow in their steps. However, there is one person that I have learned a lot from. Not even just through this internship, but throughout the time I have worked with them and that is the organization’s president and my supervisor. She is so relentless, she never gives up and works very hard to keep the organization running smoothly. She is very hard working which is something I admire, she does so many things at once. She has helped me create a path for myself that can lead me to many successful directions. Every time that I am in need of help or I am stuck on work or even just need advice she is always there and available for me. 

The biggest thing I can take from her is her ability to never give up and to not let anything stop you. She has gone through tough times and she has overcome it and still helping me and the organization out. Being able to reach out to her, teaches me that I should always be available for people because you never know if they need help, that being for work or just in life in general. Her work ethic is out of this world and I will forever keep the advice and wisdom she has given me and take it to the next journey of my life.