BMI stands for body mass index. It checks if you are underweight, normal or overweight. BMI is a person’s weight and height calculated to check a person’s ideal body fat – it’s a non-expensive way to check your body’s fat. It is always important to know your BMI because you can save yourself from future problems in your health such as obesity. Down below is the BMI formula in which one should plug in their own weight and height (in inches) and check if they are healthy.

BMI Formula: weight (lb) ÷ [height (in)]² x 703

BMI                        Weight Status
Below 18.5            Underweight
18.5 – 24.9             Normal
25.0 – 29.9             Overweight
30.0 and Above    Obese

An example is as follow:

weight: 108lbs. height: 5’5″ (65″)

[108 ÷ (65)²] x 703 = 17.97

According to the results, this person is underweight.

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