Unit 1 Blog

Respond to this question by writing a paragraph of your own opinion and, if possible, information from the texts. Deadline is 2/24/14.

“It has been said that Americans volunteer more time and donate more money to charities than people in other countries. What do you think is the reason for this? Consider different aspects of American culture when thinking about your answer.”

23 responses to “Unit 1 Blog

  1. In my opinion, the reason Americans volunteer more time and money is because Americans have more time and money as a result of having more opportunities and relatively easier accessibility. With the variety of people, ideals, race, and religions that are present in the country, I feel Americans are, or can be, more knowledgeable than other people. Knowledge is empowering, and along with the opportunities and outlets this country has over many others, the people must feel a sort of obligation to give back and be generous and show humbleness. morale is powerful, and America has a relatively high morale, even if we have no real reason to be so proud with all the holes we’ve dug ourselves into and our current situation is not so great, life in America still seems ideal.

  2. America is culturally diversified, people from different parts of the world come to America as a land of opportunity. Therefore America is made up of different races and religion. Religious group influences donation to charity and volunteering because they devote more time and it is seen as an obligation. America is also a country with a lot of sporting activities that yields a lot of money. Many sports organizations and stars give back to the community by providing outdoor recreation and donating to charity. I also think that tax exempt provided to charitable organizations in America makes their commitment to philanthropy unique among other countries.

  3. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/07/29/opinion/sunday/why-cant-we-end-poverty-in-america.html?pagewanted=all
    According to this article, American have faced up poverty problems.A large number of our population live under poverty line. Government has tried to decrease and avoid this issue by putting poor and needy people on Welfare and even food stamps but it seems the problem still exist. Providing decent jobs with good pay may be a one of those successful steps to defeat poverty and help poor people to stand on their feet and be able to survive their family as well.

  4. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/07/29/opinion/sunday/why-cant-we-end-poverty-in-america.html?pagewanted=all
    According to this article, American have faced up poverty problems.A large number of our population live under poverty line. Government has tried to decrease and avoid this issue by putting poor and needy people on Welfare and even food stamps but it seems the problem still exist. Providing decent jobs with good pay may be a one of those successful steps to defeat poverty and help poor people to stand on their feet and be able to survive their family as well.

  5. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/07/29/opinion/sunday/why-cant-we-end-poverty-in-america.html?pagewanted=all
    According to this article, American have faced up poverty problems.A large number of our population live under poverty line. Government has tried to decrease and avoid this issue by putting poor and needy people on Welfare and even food stamps but it seems the problem still exist. Providing decent jobs with good pay would be a one of those successful steps to defeat poverty and help poor people to stand on their feet and be able to survive their family as well.

  6. I believe that Americans volunteer more time and money than other country’s because, America is a land of plenty. Everyone have enough to supply others. also there are always commercial and pop up adds that persuades people to help out charity. A lot of people in america are proactive in what they do since they become more and more active in raising money more people start to become persuaded to donate money.

  7. In my opinion, America as a whole volunteers so much time and money to charitable causes as a result of many people of culture wanting to reach out and help people in their home countries. There are so many organizations built around helping families in third world countries to help out, and the American culture is so knowledgable resulting in communities being formed.

  8. I believe this question is kind of hard to answer because in my opinion, people do volunteering and charity for many reasons that somehow it may be related to their personality and even their believe. America as a big and rich country is a land of opportunity and variety of culture and beliefs that people as a part of this country may have different reasons as well. For example some rich and famous people do it as humanity on the other hand other wealthy ones do it as a way to showoff their kindness and generosity.Young generation is interested in gaining free experience to buildup their future career but old ones based on their age and their faith do it as humanity or even as a way to keep them busy and even reduce their depression.It doesn’t matter why and how people do volunteering and even charity the point is some thing positive has been done and many people are able to use these benefits.

  9. I feel that because America is made of many different cultures and religions, there will be many people volunteering and donating to many different things. Different religions may have you support a certain charity. Different people may feel like they should give back to communities and people who help them, so they will volunteer. America also has many people who come from nothing and become big, so they usually spend their time helping others so they can come up to. so because of different people, races, and religions, America becomes the place it is. The land of opportunity.

  10. In my opinion, first of all, that is because of the diversification of religion in America. Those religious people that characterized by various religious belief are willing to donate more money and volunteer more time to charities. secondly, I think that most of Americans are generous. There is a study said that although income and charitable giving in America are positively related, the low-income people are the most generous group. I believe that most Americans do donate and volunteer because of their personality. At last, Americans have became much richer over past century. the U.S. government made monetary reward to public charities tax deductible, so some of people donated money for their deduction.

  11. In my honest opinion, Americans are more often prone to show acts of kindness and empathy simply due to their nature. It is no secret that we are in a particular position of power on the global economic and military scale. As a result, we are afforded luxuries the great majority of the world is aware of, but can only ever dream of. Even in the parts of the world that are doing well, for instance in Poland to have an iPhone, you are considered the wealthy elite. Here in New York City, its basically unheard of to step outside and not see someone snapping a picture of their breakfast to throw on instagram. Its that kind of contrast that gives us a unique perspective in regards to the things we are naturally entitled to. Things like fighting for minute civil liberties on our end compared to the fights for basic human rights on the other side of the world have the power to exhibit a very powerful empathy in even the most stoic. A particularly good example of this kind of scenario was that of the earthquake in 2010 that wreaked absolute havoc on Haiti, which has had for a very long period of time a very low HDI (human development index – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haiti). This slow progressing country did not need the natural disaster, and the pain felt by those people echoed throughout the first world nations across the world. I remember hundreds of movements to try and repair or restrain the damages. Tragedy is a great motivator, as unfortunate as that may be, and although it is during times like those that these good factors are brought out in us, it does not mean that they aren’t always there. It just requires a bit more introspection and desire to do good in the world to keep that percentage of global assistance rising.

  12. I think, the reason that Americans volunteer more time and donate more money to charities than people in other countries is because Civic Duty is an essential part to American culture. Based on statistics each year Americans spend billion dollars to charity. First, is because charities are important for most Americans according to their religious beliefs. Then, most of Americans are generous. Third, they mostly give because of tax system exempt. However, there are other ways to help. If a person cannot donate a large amount of money, volunteering is a rewarding choice. In sum, I would say Americans like to give, which is great to people in other countries.

  13. In my opinion, the reason why it has been said that Americans volunteer more time and donate more money to charities than people in other countries is because,we are the most well known country to donate and volunteer then any other country and because I think its because, we are really successful and people come here for a better life and a lot of people wanna help their country/people so they come here

  14. In my opinion, Americans volunteer more time and donate more money to charities than people in other countries because we Americans have a lot of ways to help out charities like commercials and propaganda. There’s different people of different races and religions that have other ways to help the charities.However, the Americans volunteering with their ideas they can make a better field for them. Other people would not care because they might be greedy with their money and would not like to help out others in need.
    Most of the Americans would do activity’s to raised money for charities for them to have more people involved.

  15. I think Americans volunteer more, because they have more resources. For example time and money.I also feel that Americans are more informed about the issues that affect people around the world.I think that having knowledge of certain issues compels Americans to want to help others.Because Americans have more valuable resources it enables them to give more .

  16. I think the reason why americans tend to give more time and money to charities than any other country is primarily because our country promotes self-preservation; which comes with its own benefits. In our Capitalist country, we are taught that it is our main focus to give back to society, to be valuable members. This entails working hard so you can provide not only for your family, but the rest of society. There is also no limit to how much wealth you can potentially amass, so people with particularly high incomes can afford to donate their disposable income to a charity. In the same vein, people who don’t work a steady job are still encouraged to do something when they can. For example, many highschools require community service and volunteering before you can graduate.

  17. I think that there are many reasons that Americans volunteer more time and money to charities. Some people might feel that, that’s what being an American is all about. America is known for being land of opportunities, and in a obscure way it kind of is. Most of Americans are offered free education and many public assistance programs. In America there’s “help” everywhere, but does this “help” actually care about the common goods issues ? Most likely the people who work at these organizations are just doing their jobs and don’t care about the people they assist. However there are also many charities with individuals who may relate to people in need of help and want to give back. Another one of my theory’s would be that wealthy people donate to charities such as sports charities or education charities because they just don’t know what to do with all their money. Some people donate and give back solely because they feel obligated due to the fact that they are more fortunate than others. Considering the fact that America is so diverse, religious views play a big part in peoples motivation to do “Good deeds” such as giving to charities. Overall there are many reasons as to why people donate. Every person having their own personal reasons.

  18. In my opinion, Americans will always volunteer and donate more money to charities than those that are in other countries. America is known as the land of the free where everyone is created equal, and where everyone has the right to practice their religious beliefs. I believe many Americans donate and volunteer because of their religions, where they have to help those that they see are in danger or in any trouble at all. Even though America is populated with people with different mindsets, a lot of those mindsets are in the street, with no where else to go which triggers an emotional feeling in Americans, making them find a solution or any way they can help. America is populated with people from different nations, which I believe is the main reason why Americans are known for volunteering and donating more than others, because a lot of those Americans know what suffering is and wont think twice to help those that need it. Whether the reason is a personal one or not, Americans will always help those that are in need, either because of their religion or just because they have the will to perform a good deed.

  19. There are more Americans devoting their time and money to charities in other countries because America is very culturally diverse. When we become more culturally diverse, we become more aware of the other cultures struggle. America likes to take the role as the great protectors and feels like as humans we all deserve to be treated as such. It means that the people that have, give to the people that need because America in some way can empathize since it was structured around struggles and still is today.

  20. I believe the reason why Americans are known to volunteer and donate more than people in other countries is because, people in America are remarkably charitable. We are informed constantly about issues and events that can affect us, which influences people to engage more in society. Also, Americans are taught to be generous and help others around the world. Through commercials and various advertisements, Americans are advised to help others in need.

  21. I feel that only the people with a whole bunch of money and assets, are the ones who are very charitable and donate to others. If you have a lot of money and have nothing to spend it on, What do you do with it? I believe that we have a lot of people like this in America; wealthy and charitable, but unlike other places, like Dubai, America promotes the idea of charity the most. For example, investing in things and what not; when we go to school and when we are growing up, we are taught to share our things with our peers. It could possibly be an American thing, but there are also many other factors to why that statement may be true.

  22. America is a culturally diverse country.I believe this is the reason why Americans volunteer more time and donate more money to charities than people in other countries.Americans donate and volunteer to a particular charity that represents their religion or culture.As opposed to other countries who are not as culturally diverse.

  23. I do agree that americans are very charitable but i do know that they are not even in the top 1o most charitable nations in the world. I think that there is a perception that since a very minuscule number of people that give staggering amounts of money to charity i.e. Mark Zuckerberg giving away over 1 Billion dollars this year alone. But if you look at the population as a whole in the united states there are way to many people in poverty that don’t have the time or money to spare to give to others in need. I think that the mind set that America is the best nation in the world, and that we help the whole world when they are in need. It is a false image that people hold onto in order to justify the very little to no charitable donation of money or time that they give. Don’t get me wrong, Americans do amazing things for others in need, but i do believe there is a lot more that can be done and just isn’t happening at the time being.

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