Unit 3 Blog

Respond to this question by giving your own opinion and, if possible, information from the texts.
“Most people agree that community gardens are a positive thing. However, community gardens require time and money. In your opinion, who should pay for the costs of creating and maintaining such a garden? (It might help if you google this topic, to get familiar with the ways that communities pay for the gardens.)”
Due March 17, 2014.

17 responses to “Unit 3 Blog

  1. Since New York is the most popular city in world,it has attracted many tourists and people.Healthy food such as organic and green vegetables are kind of expensive that most people may not afford to buy and provide them to their family. To keep our family safe and improve their health we need to grow our own veggie , fruit and even flowers. As a family with low-income we may have problem to have our own garden so, the best way is to let every one in our neighborhood to get involve and share their knowledge and money. It would be also a good idea to provide money from our local church and even nonprofit organization that would help us to have our own garden.

  2. The most efficient way for paying for something that spans the entire neighborhood would have to be through communal investment. Everyone interested in reaping the benefits of said garden should invest atleast a portion of their time and make small donations to support the garden. This, however, does not mean that the financial aspect should weigh directly on the members of the community. Things such as parks and recreation departments exist for a reason, and if these departments were to expand the scope of their management to include such communal gardens then with the backing of an already existing government branch, the idea could flourish. There is an already existing system like this in place in the city of Seattle called the P-Patch program. It is run by volunteers, direct government employees, and residents of the area. By contributing, these people enable such a program to exist. Plots of workable land range anywhere from individual plots of land to government properties, and require a small annual fee to gain access to them for use. This is a small example of this idea, but generally speaking it should be an aspect of the governments focus. Self sustainable local food sources are a thing of the future, and we can all benefit greatly from it with a little bit of collective interest.


  3. In my opinion I think that money should be collected from the community and surrounding businesses of the community.A community garden adds a great feeling of community unity.If the whole community pitches in it will make the whole community look better.Also if local business help with the financial up keep of the garden it would show that local business gives back to the community that it operates in creating better relationships with the community.I think that by having local businesses and the people of the community fund community gardens will bring the whole community closer together.

  4. I think the community should pay and maintain community garden because it will be of benefit to the community by circulating oxygen, providing jobs for the unemployed and also encourage the youths on urban farming. It can also be a source of revenue and tourism for the community by bringing them close to nature.

  5. I think the community should pay and maintain community garden because it will be of benefit to the community by circulating oxygen, easy access to fresh food, providing jobs for the unemployed and also encourage the youths on urban farming. It can be a source of revenue to the community by selling the yields of the garden for community development. Also a source of recreation and tourism by bringing them close to nature. This can be achieved through monthly contribution and community planning.

  6. In my opinion, I believe that the people of the community should pay for a community garden. It’s not something that’s necessarily needed, and it’s not something that should be regulated, and should be instead under jurisdiction of the community. The objective of a community garden, to me, is more so to bring the community together as a collective and produce something for the good of the community. By having an outside source fund the garden takes the “community” out of it…In a sense.

  7. I think that the community should pay for a garden because it can make the people of the community closer to each other and making their neighborhood a better place. Having the whole community working on the garden would make a fun and faster way to build the garden. Only the people from the community have the power to change their whole community because if their community is really bad they can also use propaganda as a way to help them so that the mayor can see whats going on in their communities.

  8. I think it should be an aspect of the governments focus, but memberships, community residents, and local business as a part of the community should pay for maintaining gardens. Community gardens have many benefits for not only individuals, but the community as a hole.

  9. In my opinion, I believe that if a garden is wanted really wanted in someone’s neighborhood or community that the people from that community should all pay for starting, growing, and maintaining that garden. Fact of the matter is that it is indeed a positive thing reason why is because, it first of all makes that community should I say gives that community a better look, a more clean look and not only that it helps people grow closer to each other as a community.

  10. A few blocks away from my apartment is a community garden. From what i understand it is gridded out and you can buy a plot for the year. That person is responsible for upkeep and maintenance for that area and gets to keep what ever grows. But when i think of a community garden i think of a space where the community maintains and shares the crops. Like a community grown farmers market. I think that the way that the garden should be paid for is like a CSA where people pay a amount for a share of the crops for the season. that amount should be enough to pay for the upkeep and if there is no volunteers to do the work maybe enough to pay a farmer/gardener to do it .

  11. Michael Sanchez

    I feel like gardens and community parks should be taken care by everyone in the community. This includes every individual who is associated with the community and lives in it. I agree that it is a positive thing as well, and of course it does take a fair amount of time and money, but it also makes the neighborhood look green, healthy and welcoming for those who are new to the neighborhood. Every community should, in my opinion, help and be a part of their community gardens, not just a sole business or a group of individuals. Not a sole individual should be making an effort, it is a community thing. Maybe a group of individuals is a good way to start things off for a garden, but ultimately maintenance should be everybody’s responsibility. If the community doesn’t make an effort then No Garden, simple.

  12. In my opinion, I think all the costs should be collect from people who living in that community , in the form of voluntary. First of all, community gardens are about more than places to spend times with neighbors; they also provide fresh and health food for community members, especially for low-income families who used to spend extra money to buy it. Moreover, those gardens have many other benefits, such as help reduce stress through nature and increase health, for a whole community. For those reasons, the community members are duty bound to pay for the costs. On the other hand, the purpose of such a garden is to create a friendly and harmonious community. Accordingly, I think it could help to promote this purpose if community members can pay as willing .

  13. The point of a community garden is to bring together a community. On the other hand, not all people are interested in giving their time to a community garden. Also some people don’t have the financial capability to donate money to a community garden. I do think that the people in the community should be the ones donating the garden and not the city, but the donations should be collected voluntarily. People in the community shouldn’t be forced to pay for a garden and people who don’t live in that community shouldn’t have taxes taken out to pay for that garden. The garden should bring people in the community together and help people connect. So the people who are interested in the garden can connect and make their neighborhood a more beautiful place.

  14. Community garden is a single piece of land gardened collectively by a group of people as a community to provide a higher quality of gardens, which have the greatest positive impact in the neighborhood. The community mission is to foster civic neighborhood revitalization while preserving open space, by providing materials and technical assistance and continues to support neighborhood volunteers who manage community gardens as active and attractive community resources. I think it should receive federal financial support through a complement of open space, affordable housing, economic development and from the people’s donations to the community.

    youssef salmaoui

  15. Depending on the type of garden that’s being tended to or created I think that who ever is coming up with the idea or feel the need to make a garden should pay for it. For example in public communities such as the New York Housing Authority when there is a garden its usually in a park of the parks department. Of course the funding is coming from people’s tax money, but its for a good cause. As opposed to a private community where the people feel that a garden is a necessity because its positive; I think that the people working on the garden should be responsible for it. A lot of times many of the gardens that we see aren’t acts of community service but are they because gardening is somebodies job. Creating a garden should be a community activity and the costs should be able to be split evenly amongst the people of that community but unfortunately sometimes that isn’t the case. Some people may lose interest in putting effort into maintaining a garden because of weather that may damage the garden or because of some people that just don’t care. Over all, I feel that the people rooting for a garden in there communities should be the ones contributing time and money to it. Same as any public developments that want to make changes in moving forward with making the environment more desirable.

  16. I believe that the most efficient way to create a community garden would be for all neighbors to donate and even advertise to others outside of the neighborhood to channel in more revenue. Maybe even get the parks department to support the idea, they can help with the maintenance of it all. Overall, this could be led by nonprofit organizations such as “youth ministries for peace and justice” (which I have volunteered for in the past). It would be beneficial if the government helped out as well, never a such thing as too much help for such a positive change.

  17. Community gardens provide a positive aspect to the viewers eye. Having community gardens helps not only the environment but our neighborhood as well. It’s agreeable that community gardens is a positive thing, but the question is, who has the time and money to create and maintain the gardens? Community gardens are time consuming and can also be very costly which is the main cause why most communities don’t have gardens. How can it be helped, in my opinion, community gardens should be on every ones mind since it is your neighborhood. The money and the time spent on the garden itself shouldn’t be a concern because you’ll be helping and providing to your neighborhood, the place you live in. I think the money for the gardens should come from the community itself such as creating fundraising events where the community participates in those events and provide payments as well as community investments. Remember every dollar makes a difference and it only takes two people to do good and attract other people from the community. Another thing that should be kept in mind is that the garden is not just going to be there as if it was a decoration, the garden produces goods/greens such as fruits, vegetables, and organic products which the resident of the community can consume.

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