Blog #1

Resume and portfolio

For me, the most difficult part of the resume is not the content, but the typography. Because my major is communication design, my resume should have some design traces. This will make it look more professional. After studying some resume samples from other designers, I started designing my first version of my resume. After completing the first version of the resume, I showed it to the professor of my portfolio class first. The first question she raised was why I put my photo on it. I forgot what answer I gave myself, I only remember her saying, “You are a designer, not a model or actor, you don’t need to and should not put your photos on it. Even if your photos have been artistically processed.” Later, she pointed out some mistakes that beginners can make, such as the hierarchy in typography.

After I improved my resume, I demonstrated it to Professor Tanta Goetz She paid more attention to the content of my resume and helped me improve the content of one category on my resume. She said I haven’t fully started working yet, so I don’t need these for now. We discussed and decided to change the professional summary to about me, and I happened to show her the about me I had previously written. She said we would make a slight change and put it on the resume. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the professor for her patience. Due to my nervousness, I often misspelled words, and she patiently corrected my spelling.

After we have made some modifications to the content. She suggested that my resume looks a bit too monotonous and needs to add some design elements, such as colors and patterns. At the same time, I raised my question – do I need a logo that belongs to me? Her answer is, if you want, you can design one, but that’s not the most important because the logo can change frequently. What’s important is to make your name stand out, to attract and strengthen the interviewer’s impression of you. Therefore, for improvements, I will try to use some unique type fonts to make my name stand out.

The final problem is leading. Because of some settings and operations, the professor thought I didn’t understand what leading was and even explained it specifically to me. The situation was that the professor said that the leading between line and line was too close, with some letters overlapping, which greatly affected the reading sensation. Then I kept clicking on the option that is to add a leading, however, either there was no change or every line was left with a huge blank space. When we thought that was an issue of Adobe Indesign, I suddenly remembered when I designed the layout for alignment and convenience at the beginning. I clicked on the “align to baseline” option. After I cancel this option, the leading can increase or decrease the space normally.

I did not use those professional websites for my portfolio, I only used the eportfolio from Citytech Openlab to showcase my projects. The professor’s only suggestion is that I should put my stronger and best project on the homepage instead of the next page. I thought I needed to delete the original post and upload it in order, but the professor told me a convenient way instead I had to re-upload. I just need to adjust the time in the edit post to adjust the order in which the post is displayed on the page. I didn’t find this feature before because it is relatively hidden and generally not easy to discover.

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