Michael V Cannetti| HE87 16050 | Fall 2021

Final Project

This is it! The Final Project of the Semester. This is what we have been working towards since August.

Edit your final project, export it, upload it to your YouTube or Vimeo Account, Copy and Paste the Link in the Comments Section Below.

It is due by 6:00pm EST Wednesday 12/15/2021. It will be screened in class. If it is posted after 6:00pm on Wednesday it will drop a full letter grade automatically.

Thank you.


  1. Kyle Nam

    Here is the link to my final project:

  2. Alex

    • Account Deleted

      amazing job

    • Michael Cannetti

      Terrific job!

  3. Account Deleted

  4. Account Deleted


  5. shabaj hussain

    Here’s the link for the film

  6. Jorge Buenabad

  7. Yayoi

    I thought I’ve posted the Final project link here on Tuesday but somehow It wasn’t here;(

    I am posting it again just in case.

  8. Nathalie Quito


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