For this assignment you are to go out and film at least three unique sounds.
You can film anything you would like but each must be different.
- Birds
- Cars
- Planes
- Boats
- The Wind
- Rain
- Trucks
- Trains
Anything you want.
They must all be different shots.
They must be filmed landscape/wide screen/horizontal.
They cannot be filmed in Portrait “selfie” mode. Those clips will not be accepted.
This assignment is due 9/29/2021. You should upload them to the folder marked Sound Clips on our class One Drive Folder.
I will make folders within the Sound Clips for each of you to put your content in.
We will be working with these clips in class to play with sound editing.
For each week this assignment is late your grade will drop a letter grade.
If it is not submitted by 10/20/2021 it will no longer be accepted and it will be a zero for the assignment.

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