Welcome all! Looking forward to having a productive semester! This is the classes Openlab. You will be making your own independent portfolio sites.

Here is a link to our class syllabus.

Here is an invitation to our slack workspace:


OpenLab Blog instructions:

  1. Customize your page with a responsive theme that supports multimedia, an original header, personalized colors, title, and tagline. Your header can be a photograph that you recently took or an image that you have designed. Be aware of the ideal pixel size as you design a header.
  2. Erase all existing posts/pages and menu items.
  3. Create an β€œAbout Me” page. This should be a simple bio that reflects who you are. You may also include a photograph.
  4. Create your first post which can simply be a bit of text welcoming us to your site. Feel free to upload a photo etc.