Author Archives: Maria Paula Rennis


Instructions for posting images and writing:

  • Under Categories (on right hand side), choose “Project 1- Lost & Found” “Step 1: Discover”. Post your images.
  • Upload the six images of the objects you discovered on your walk. Name them accordingly, “obvious or ambiguous”.
  • Refine your writing. Don’t forget to spell-check and grammar-check.
  • Comment on at least 1 other student’s post.


  • Under Categories (on right hand side), choose “Project 1- Lost & Found” “Step 2: Define”. Post your images.
  • Post the photographs of your thumbnails and refined sketches.
  • Don’t forget to comment on at least 1 other student’s posts. (This is important! If something is not working in a fellow student’s work, they need to know before they continue with the rest of the project)


  • Under Categories (on right hand side), choose “Project 1- Lost & Found” “Step 4: Deliver”. Post your images.
  • In the post, document your thoughts about this project. Think about what you learned, what you could have done better (planning, material use, craft), and how you will apply what you learned to your next project.
  • Consider and respond to the comments made in class during the critique or online.

NOTE: Posting, writing and commenting are part of the full grade of the project.