Students: This is an example of how you should post/upload your schedule process book for review and feedback.

I will create a weekly process post, you NEED to add a comment to the post with and include a PDF or a link to it via a sharing service like Dropbox or Google Drive.

Process books are meant to be cumulative and chronological explorations of your thoughts, idea, research, sketches, and progress up to a certain point. They help justify and validate all of the hard work you are putting in this project.

Upload your work, with a quick written synopsis or what you have been working on up to this week. Then share with us some insight:
What is your main goal? What are you satisfied with? What are you struggling with?

Students providing feedback, please add as a comment to the post

Garrastegui process -Week01

Dropbox PDF:

Google Slide Prez:

  • My main goal is to explore a topic and identify the meaning of words associated with collaboration and motivation.
  • I am satisfied with the list and thought I came up with.
  • I and still struggling with how this is organized and if it makes sense to other people.

I welcome your comments and thoughts.