Faculty: This example post demonstrates how you can provide information about each class for your students. It uses the category “Classes” and can be found under Activities > Classes in the site menu. Use the suggested outline below to structure your class posts.

Class Info

  • Date: Add date
  • Meeting Info: Add online details or in-person location


  • The typographical grid.
    • A grid is a system of vertical and horizontal guides used for the organization of a layout. Grids are used in graphic and web design.
  • Quick Reference PDF: The Grid


  • Understanding the parts of grid:
    • Margins
    • Columns and rows
    • gutters (vertical and horizontal)
    • modules and spacial zones
  • Students develop understanding of organization in design


To-Do After Class

  • In preparation to our next assignments (a series of posters and social media material), we will need to collect some text
    • What is your pet peeve? Title of your PET PEEVE
      Then, include between no more than three (3) sentences that explain why this bothers you so much.
    • Do not design anything at this point. We are just collecting text, please send on the body of an email
  • FYI: What is a pet-peeve?
    • dictionary.com: a particular and often continual annoyance merriam-webster.com: a frequent subject of complaint vocabulary.com: a peeve is an annoyance, and a pet peeve is an annoyance that’s nurtured like a pet — it’s something someone can never resist complaining about. There are all kinds of pet peeves, like littering, misusing punctuation, driving slowly in the fast lane, or talking during movies. If something like that drives you crazy and you have to yap about it, it’s a pet peeve.
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