
To draw multiple lit objects using the seven-value system

Due Date: xxxx

Student drawing from lhdc.com on pinterest.ca/pin/183099541079302943/


  • This is a collaborative assignment, to be done with a partner. Discuss drawing strategies with your partner before starting to draw.
  • On 14×17 inch white paper, and using 2-point perspective, draw a large ground plane.
  • Draw at least one of each of the five major geometric shapes on this ground plane. The five shapes are cube, sphere, cylinder, cone, pyramid.
  • Place an X where the light source is.
  • All objects share the same horizon line.
  • Your drawing should feel like a completed design, but still have room for your partner to add an additional five shapes.
  • Make some shapes large and some small, always thinking about design.
  • Create a greater sense of volume to these shapes by adding tone through the five-value system of lighting.
  • Photograph your drawing.
  • Exchange drawings with your partner and add an additional example of each of the five major geometric shapes to your partner’s drawing. Each drawing now has a minimum of ten objects.
  • Add lighting to your new objects by using the five-value system of lighting, as it relates to the position of your partner’s light source.
  • Upload photos of your original drawing, along with the collaborative drawing between you and your partner, to the Seven-Values category housed under Student Posts on Open Lab.
Shadow in Perspective Drawing – Art Techniques by Benjamin Blankenbehler at architecturerevived.com/shadow-in-perspective-drawing-art-technique/

Learning Outcomes:

  • To understand how to suggest volume and light through the five-value system of lighting
  • To learn what the five major geometric shapes are
  • To learn that all 3-dimensional objects can be depicted by combining the five major geometric shapes
  • To practice collaboration
  • To integrate volume, lighting with design skills when creating realistic 3-dimensional space
Student drawing:Ramage on reddit.com/r/Art/comments/awiu55/personal_still_life_charcoal_12x15_inches/


Click HERE for the following resources:

  • Diagrams of the seven-value system of lighting
  • Examples with lit objects
  • YouTube videos:
    • general lighting video
    • explanation of seven values
  • Examples: artists
  • Recording [provide hyperlink] of [date xxxx] class meeting
Student drawing: Lukeboly.com on justhost.com


  • Did you draw a 2-point perspective ground plane and at least one of each of the five major 3-dimensional geometric shapes before photographing and sending to your partner?
  • Did you create a believably volume and lighting situation using the Seven-Value System for Lighting?
  • Did you consider design in terms of scale contrasts, positive/negative shape relationships and page placement?
  • Did you allow room for your partner to add additional objects?
  • Did you photograph your drawing and send it to your partner for completion?
  • Did you add the additional five objects to your partner’s drawing?
  • Do all objects share the same horizon line?
  • Did you create believable volume and lighting to your objects so that all ten objects feel they are part of the same drawing?
  • Do all objects appear to be lit be the same lit source?
  • Did you upload photos of your original drawing, along with the collaborative drawing between you and your partner, to the Seven-Values category housed under Student Posts on Open Lab?