Individual Strengths

Individual Strengths

              I believe that being able to recognize my individual strengths can help me become a better individual in anything what I want to do. No matter positive abilities or skills, they always help achieve my goals. Knowing my personal strengths can help a lot in making good decisions, because I am able to focus on what I am capable to do, and get help if I am not competent on something.

             I have recognized one of my strengths at work would be good cooperation ability. When I work as a member of a health care team, I always consider other team members’ roles, goals and missions. I would try to communicate clear with each team member that what role I am in the team and listen what they want to do. Any issue and problem related to patient cares, I would like to discuss with all the team members completely. If team members make suggestions without violating my professional code, personal belief and value, I would try to carry out if allowed. Evidently, this ability is valuable.

           A well organized ability also is my personal strength. I prefer to write down what I have to do on a piece of paper and prioritize what is more important to least important before working. I do this because it helps me organize and complete my work on time and more importantly it reminds me what I need to pay attention. After each patient cares, I would like document what I did and the patient conditions immediately and put the patient chart in an appropriate location. It avoids giving cares later to a patient because other health care providers could not find his chart and do not know his previous condition.

              I know that knowing one or more another languages and cultures is an advantage for career. Being a Chinese is also my third personal strength. I can communicate clear and fluently with Chinese patients in Chinese and know what these patients think and want even before they ask. I have this ability; I am easy to build a strong therapeutic relationship with them. If this relationship exists, my goal to provide a cultural competent patient care is able to achieve. It is an essential aspect of modern nursing. Of course these patients are satisfied with my cares; my professional performance is considered more valuable.

            Obviously, special personal strengths help succeed in professional career. It speeds up people mature in personal life. Owning more personal strengths and bringing them into work seems necessary in more working environment.

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