Assignment #3: Case Study 1 – Big box office

Initially, I would say that the owner’s request is a bit unethical. As an employer, one will have to take into consideration the psychological effects and what affects productivity of their employees.
An excerpt from the blog entitled “The benefits of having a window in your office or workspace”, published July 10th, , highlighted relatable topics of interest that produce workplace effective productivity. Topics such as:-
– Boosting energy levels during the day
– Reducing job-related stress
– Improving overall levels of happiness,
are simple but effective reasons why it is necessary to incorporate such simple factors as Windows/ visual engagement with the outside. Within the article, it referenced studies conducted in the Netherlands, “that when people were exposed to more daylight during their workday, they reported feeling more energetic and less sleepy” and also allowed “employees to focus”. I believe it’s not regionally specific but global.
Design principles in more modern times, push for open spaces that allow the person to interact with the environment outside (Le corbusier’s design philosophy, which particularly references Windows – to cut through non load-bearing walls,Free facades – open and closed sections that allow the facade to actively connect or separate interior and exterior design elements. For example) with consideration for human psychological well being.
To approach this design problem, I would engage the client in small remote meeting spaces at the beginning of the contract, where some locations would be less open than others to then eventually use that as a platform with his/her personal experience to reveal the positive outcomes for end user design with windows and acoustical privacy.
Being a company that has on site manufacturing, design considerations will be another utmost priority as freedom from intrusive noise allows the mind to focus on the day’s tasks and adds to maximum work productivity and efficiency, as proven.
The other aspect of the clients need for a new office building on an expansive site near its headquarters in a small city, would have to be design specific, as that would also have to be discussed over those lunch meetings spoken of earlier in this response.

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