ARCH 4861 Case study Discrepancy in Concrete Mixture

No, the Architect should not certify the contractor’s request for payment as the concrete Mixture did not follow the specifications and by the local building code, which can lead to other issues that will cost the owner a lot more money to repair. But, If the owner is aware and has written a cheque for the contractor. I believe the contractor should receive it for labor done on the

The Steps the Architect should take are:

1.  4.2.3 – Architect must notify owner in writing if errors are found – 

2. According to Article –  4.2.6 The Architect will have authority to reject Work that does not conform to the Contract Documents. Whenever the Architect considers it necessary or advisable, the Architect will have authority to require inspection or testing of the Work in accordance with Subsections 13.5.2 and 13-5-3 whether or not such Work is fabricated, installed or completed. However, neither this authority of the Architect nor a decision made in good faith either to exercise or not to exercise such authority shall give rise to a duty or responsibility of the Architect to the Contractor, Subcontractors, material and equipment suppliers, their agents or employees, or other persons or entities performing portions of the Work.

Then, The next steps are as follows:

3. 4.2.8 The Architect will prepare Change Orders and Construction Change Directives, and may authorize minor changes in the Work as provided in Section 7.4. The Architect will investigate and make determinations and recommendations regarding concealed and unknown conditions as provided in Section 3.7.4.

4. 4.2.9 The Architect will conduct inspections to determine the date or dates of Substantial

Completion and the date of final completion; issue Certificates of Substantial Completion pursuant to Section 9.8; receive and forward to the Owner, for the Owner’s review and records, written warranties and related documents required by the Contract and assembled by the Contractor pursuant to Section 9.10; and issue a final Certificate for Payment pursuant to 9.10

Assignment #3: Case Study 1 – Big box office

Initially, I would say that the owner’s request is a bit unethical. As an employer, one will have to take into consideration the psychological effects and what affects productivity of their employees.
An excerpt from the blog entitled “The benefits of having a window in your office or workspace”, published July 10th, , highlighted relatable topics of interest that produce workplace effective productivity. Topics such as:-
– Boosting energy levels during the day
– Reducing job-related stress
– Improving overall levels of happiness,
are simple but effective reasons why it is necessary to incorporate such simple factors as Windows/ visual engagement with the outside. Within the article, it referenced studies conducted in the Netherlands, “that when people were exposed to more daylight during their workday, they reported feeling more energetic and less sleepy” and also allowed “employees to focus”. I believe it’s not regionally specific but global.
Design principles in more modern times, push for open spaces that allow the person to interact with the environment outside (Le corbusier’s design philosophy, which particularly references Windows – to cut through non load-bearing walls,Free facades – open and closed sections that allow the facade to actively connect or separate interior and exterior design elements. For example) with consideration for human psychological well being.
To approach this design problem, I would engage the client in small remote meeting spaces at the beginning of the contract, where some locations would be less open than others to then eventually use that as a platform with his/her personal experience to reveal the positive outcomes for end user design with windows and acoustical privacy.
Being a company that has on site manufacturing, design considerations will be another utmost priority as freedom from intrusive noise allows the mind to focus on the day’s tasks and adds to maximum work productivity and efficiency, as proven.
The other aspect of the clients need for a new office building on an expansive site near its headquarters in a small city, would have to be design specific, as that would also have to be discussed over those lunch meetings spoken of earlier in this response.

Proposal for my final project – My livelihood, securing the necessities of Life.

I’m considering the topic of trying to determine “How Can I strive in the field of Architecture”.

My approach would entail:-

– Introspection – Understanding my genuine likes and dislikes, ie. what excites me daily in an Architecture firm, where I would like to be when I’m at the retirement stage.
– Spend more time to research my interests – Detailing and Restoration, in addition to low income Development.
– Networking – reaching out using social platforms and attending meetings/ Seminars Architecturally focussed.
– Seek professional Guidance from someone who genuinely understands life and the pursuit of happiness while doing Architecture – I would need just one committed Individual. (currently in the process of seeking out a candidate who is worthy of my time, and me theirs).
– Determine the guidelines of how to Master the art of compartmentalizing Work to be done ,from Personal life.
– Then the next stage would be evolving the the topic stated above.

At this moment going forward, my personal concerns are that of my mental and emotional health while delving into the art of practicing Architecture, the business of it all and its applications.

Dream career, Still searching…

I once had a dream of becoming the best scientist the world had ever seen, when I was ten years old, but with life experiences, it knocked me into a space where reality took precedence and guided me to a Tabula Rasa where Art and how things work converged.

My time spent as an adolescent altered my thought patterns to that of a “fixer” especially during drawing/ sketching, I would always spend most of my time getting one thing “correct” rather than completing pages within my drawing book as “Quality over quantity” was my inner motto. Then, I started to imagine myself as someone whom everyone wanted to seek for answers. How could I do that if I don’t read?, that was my problem and comics wouldn’t suffice, I took up reading to improve upon that which was to make it into what I could be, while fighting procrastination daily.

I can’t remember a time when I considered a dream job, I was always thinking about just getting rich by some sort of Divine intervention that would drop something in my lap, that was due to my understanding of the world at that particular time, always hoping and trying to will the universe into giving me what I thought I deserved. As I grew with knowledge, I began to understand what my calling was while reflecting on many life lessons, I understood that I wanted to be one of those persons that are willing to give of his time and energy to make others comfortable and find solutions to problems that may arise while planning how to utilize space religiously. 

I had a mentor by this time who not only showed me the other side of life but also what doors could be open to my interest when I seek it. I already had a knack for spatial planning through playing with LEGO bricks and had the opportunity to experience technical drawing through classical “pen to paper techniques”, so as my blessings would have it, I entered the world of Architecture. I am still sifting through the possibilities that my learned life skills can open up for me. My dream job, if I had to think about it, the criteria would be defined as something i wouldn’t mind doing everyday, something that suits my personality, something I excel in and most importantly, supports my lifestyle. In conclusion, I’m still searching to find my true purpose.