Author Archives: Susan Mani

Visual Illustration of How We Built New York

In order to find a movie for the Digital New York, I decided to find something related to “A History of New York City” class. Before taking this class I had no idea about the big things happened to Manhattan. … Continue reading

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Rockefeller Center

Rockefeller Center. We had two amazing walking tour during the summer semester which made me to have a different look to the Manhattan and the New York City. I’m living in Manhattan for one year and during the last year … Continue reading

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Your favorite style or building you like.

Your favorite style or building you like. When it comes to the different styles in architecture, I really can’t say which one is my favorite. By thinking about all the styles, I can say they all have their own beauties … Continue reading

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My Lovely New York

My Lovely New York, It was on January last year, which I first came to the New York City. My boyfriend had a 10 day business trip to the Long Island so he took me with himself to take the … Continue reading

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