My New York City , My Wonderland

New York City , a place where dreams come true. A place where people dream of going to. The city of money , fame, and tall skyscrapers. That’s how most people view New York, me however I have a different point of view.

I lived in Bayonne, New Jersey all my life. Bayonne is 30 minutes away from manhatten both by car and the path train. The path train only takes 25 minutes to get you to 33rd street in Manhatten. Theres another path train but that one goes to lower Manhatten and takes about 7 minutes. I’m so close to New York but I was never a New Yorker , I was always an outsider. But then again what’s an outsider to NYC. Walking in the street everyday you never see the same faces twice. People are dressed in all types of weird clothing and nobody judges. Not only that but its completly normal to get on a subway and see someone dancing or singing. You don’t see that where I live.
My New York is that live place full of good energy and vibes. The city streets are always lit and shining and people are always out enjoying themselves without a worry on their mind. I normally go to school early I go to college in Brooklyn and when I’m in Jersey it’s so dead and people are barley awake. However when I get into NY everyone is wide awake and very energetic. They’re always in a rush running up and down stairs as if their life depended on it. It always baffled me how people can be so alive at 6 in the morning. When I step foot into Manhatten I am forced to wake up and catch up with the crowd and keep up. I wake up right away and I guess NY streets has that effect on people.
Not only is NYC busy in the morning but its also busy at night. New York City has the best nightlife. From the bars, to the karoke lounges , to the fancy resturants. The possibilities are endless. I can honestly say that everytime I go into NY I have a new experience. Every single day I see or witness something I’ve never seen before. I call it the wonderland , and it has an effect to make anyone fall in love.
I’m so in love with New York that some people call me a “wannabe newyorker” and it’s true I am. I want to be a New Yorker. I love the positive energy in the streets. My New York is ALIVE. It’s not boring its exciting and adventorous. I love NY and probally always will .
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3 Responses to My New York City , My Wonderland

  1. It’s a great blog. A very good reading. You definitely went in depth of how you love New York even tho you consider yourself an outsider.

  2. Baljinder says:

    I can picture every image of your descriptions vividly. Can you imagine New York City as a different place? I don’t think I can picture New York City as a any other place but the city that truly never sleeps.

  3. Good point of view… Keep chasing your dreams all the way.

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