Visual Illustration of How We Built New York

In order to find a movie for the Digital New York, I decided to find something related to “A History of New York City” class. Before taking this class I had no idea about the big things happened to Manhattan. I couldn’t believe that some parts of the downtown area were under water and how they built this amazing city on the water. I found the movie “How we built New York City” and “History of New York Documentary” which I think they both show the whole things we studied in the class during the last month, it is kind of movie that shows all the things professor thought us in the class. I really enjoyed watching these movies so I thought maybe you guys like to see everything together in a movie.

In the movie “How we built New York” it shows all the details since Dutch first came to New York to what is New York now and it shows all the details back and forth from those days to now. The most exciting part is the scene that shows if the water was still existed how was the city looked like.


We Built this City New York:


History of New York Documentary:

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3 Responses to Visual Illustration of How We Built New York

  1. it was a good video. it shows everything that we have learned so far from class. i tthink the first video is on chinise or japanese but it shows a lot a details how NYC is and it will be in the future…excellent job. i hope some day you became one of the best architects in NYC.

  2. Very good Susan! I think you did a very good job in finding this movie since it shows all the styles that we been studying. It’s very useful to watch that movie because there’s nothing better to remember something than watching it, it stay in your mind very easily.

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