My Lovely New York

My Lovely New York,

It was on January last year, which I first came to the New York City. My boyfriend had a 10 day business trip to the Long Island so he took me with himself to take the advantage of the trip. It was night and cold when the plane landed in JFK, we were too tired so we took a taxi to a hotel in Long Island. The day after I decided to go to Manhattan and take a tour around the city, before that day I had seen the New York City only in the movies and I had no idea about the atmosphere around the city.

The first place I saw in Manhattan was Times square, it was breathtaking for me, I couldn’t believe such a place ever existed and I couldn’t believe the atmosphere, it surprised me and made me smile, I felt so happy and excited inside. I remember that day clearly I thought that Manhattan is incredible, I fell in love with the city and I thought what if I move to the city, I couldn’t believe there is such a difference between San Diego, CA, where I used to live, and this great city.

The day after my boyfriend and I decided to go up the Empire State Building, it was my second phenomenal experience in the City. I couldn’t believe the altitude we went up and I couldn’t believe the photos that show how people made this huge building on those days.

By seeing those photos I felt that city has the rich background that you hardly can feel in the other cities. These two experiences were my first impression of the Manhattan which I never forget them. By staying here for 10 days and having communications with different people and see some universities and their architectural programs I felt this city can be the only place where I can live there.

After we flew back to the San Diego we both decided to move to Manhattan and we moved in two months. Now it is more than a year that we are living in Manhattan and we both love this city. My feelings never changed about the city, I am still thinking that this city is the best city in the world and I never want to move out of this city.



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3 Responses to My Lovely New York

  1. Baljinder says:

    I agree with you when you say Manhattan is breath taking. You aren’t the only one who thinks that when you are first introduced to the city. I’ve seen and heard many people surprised at how long and tall these structures in Manhattan can stand. I don;t think anyone ever wants to move out once they feel they belong to the city.

  2. Pretty excited experience, it remained me of the first time I came to NYC. It was really cold too, but also that was excited to me because where I’m coming from is tropical, mostly hot an humid. As well as you, when I first when to Down-town Manhattan I was so excited I couldn’t believe everything was as beautiful as I was used to see it on TV. We both share the same feeling about NYC, we love NY.

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