Colums are my favorite type of architecture

When people think of architecture they think of tall buildings. However tall skyscrapers don’t phase me. My favorite building style is the Greek Revival . I think that columns are so beautiful and the detailing really captures my attention.

There are more than one type of columns there are three different kinds of colums . The first one is a Doric style which is just a simple plain column. The ionic style is famous for the scrolls at each end of it. The Corinthian style is quite fancy and has alot of detailing and much more carvings ,those white colldecorated with two rows of acanthus leaves and four scrolls.
When those collassol columns are added to a building it makes it look more sophisticated and important. For example the U.S Customs house , White House , and Lincoln Memorial portray that extraordinary sense of the Greek architecture.
It always amazes how much detailing can put into those columns and the white color makes it stand out in certain neighborhoods. Here in New York it is not very common to see white buildings. Most buildings are in brick or wood. Those white buildings are unique in this era and thats what makes them beautiful.
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