My New York (revised)

Fast paced environment, a lot of stress, tons of people which include tourists, tall buildings, numerous train lines and yellow taxi cabs are just a few of the things that come to mind when I think of New York City.  All of these things are what make it up.

I used to go to Manhattan a lot when I was a small kid with my parents with my older and two younger sisters.  I remember always being afraid because my mom would always tell me if I let go of her hand, I would never see her and I never did.  I remember on Sundays we would go to Chinatown and feeling claustrophobic being surrounded by so many people and by these tall, tall, buildings.  I didn’t like it.

During this time, I used to live on a busy street, right where the 7 train line ran, on Roosevelt Ave.  And I remember hating it because my apartment was so close to the train, that when it passed by I felt the apartment rattle.  It was the summer of 1998 and I was 8 years old when I moved to what is still my current home in Elmhurst.  And I still love living here.  Elmhurst is so tranquil compared to my previous home which was always so noisy and extremely crowded.  I love it not only because it’s a nice and quiet neighborhood but also because everything is so close by such as the malls, restaurants and most of all my family.

It wasn’t until recently that I worked in the city and I still think that it’s a fast paced environment, with tons of people and a lot of stress.  At first it was a lot to take in but it was also a great way to meet all these different people every day.  It was always hectic at work but after a while I found my relaxing spot which is pretty obvious: Central Park.  Seems a bit crazy, but sometimes I would go and sit for a little while during the winter.  Surprisingly I wasn’t the only “crazy” person there.  Tourists enjoy going to Central Park even in the winter.  It was better during the summer where after work I would go to the park to just sit and relax after a long stressful day of being there.

The city is something you have to get adjusted too, that’s the way I see it.  I still love the peace and tranquility and I found that in the Central Park.  Regardless of all the noise from cars honking, people always rushing to be somewhere, hundreds of tourists all the time, I love New York City.  This is New York City, the city that never sleeps.


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