Your favorite style or building you like.

Your favorite style or building you like.

When it comes to the different styles in architecture, I really can’t say which one is my favorite. By thinking about all the styles, I can say they all have their own beauties and greatness.

Styles flourish in people’s mind when something important happen in the society. Sometimes big migrations or warfare could bring new styles into the country. Big changes always have some impacts in the culture and the people’s lives consequently different styles! By knowing different styles for some specific period we can understand what has happened during that period so the styles growth up. All styles have some ideas behind it by which so many beauties’ have been made.

For instance about the Greek revival I really like the combination of massive columns and the temple-front which it shows how strong the building can be and the stairs right in the front of the building is like an invitation to convince people to come into the building. Also, about the Gothic revival I really like those vertical elements which inspire unity, God, and freedom. By moving forward in the time I really like the adorable Floral details in the Romanesque revival. I like variety of shapes and natural polychrome on the buildings and the different columns on different aspects of the buildings. Another Style which I really like is Beaux-Arts. It means the fine art, which I believe it really deserves the name. It is the combination of ancient Greek and Roman forms with Renaissance ideas. I really like the characteristics this style has. All those cartouches, festoons and different shapes of sculptures made this style unique.

I couldn’t really say which one of them is my favorite, I really like all of them and I see these all styles as an identity of the City and its buildings.


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2 Responses to Your favorite style or building you like.

  1. Baljinder says:

    I think that all these styles you like are great styles. They too are some of my favorites. I like the Greek Revival style for its integrity in work and beautiful light colors to make massive columns. For the Beaux Arts, I specifically like the ornamentation and the use of figures. The facts that the whole structure is not left behind with design is amazing. You just know by looking at the building that every big and little piece took time and effort to complete.

  2. It is sometimes hard to choose a favorite style in architecture because mostly all of them are beautiful. I like that even if you don’t have a favorite, you was leaning more to the Greek and Roman styles. good work.

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