The Bessemer Process

What is the Bessemer process?  The Bessemer process was the first inexpensive process which mass produced steel.  The Bessemer process was invented by an English man in the mid 1800’s.  He put a patent on it in 1855.  This process was already being used in Europe but not in the industrial scale.  Henry Bessemer describes its history in his autobiography.  The following two videos show the process in a way that I thought could be understood.  The first one shows the Bessemer converter which is the machine used to convert the solid material into the molten that eventually becomes the steel.  The second video shows the process being carried out in real life and shows the entire process of making steel.

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One Response to The Bessemer Process

  1. Good to know what Bessemer process is. This is the first time I heard of such term, I think your video is a very useful tool to remember this term and what it is.

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