Category Archives: Uncategorized


Arch 1120 Li, Shixin   Stonehenge   The video of the Stonehenge let me realize how big of the stones are. And even now, no one knows how ancient people created this huge structure. People thought the Stonehenge created by … Continue reading

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There are many theories regarding Stonehenge. Who created it? How was it created? And why was it created? It is very large and if baffles historians how such primitive people could’ve created something like it. There are also many theories … Continue reading

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What is Architecture

Throughout the world there are many different forms of architecture. It is taught and learned differently from one corner of the world to the next. A lot of it is because of the different climates and terrains that regions have, … Continue reading

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assignment 2 video

Veronica Avila Ancient Egypt – National Geographic Ancient Egypt history lives till his day and it will continue. Showing its riches, culture and tradition as well as history. History that has travel through time.  Pyramids that has stories behind. Stories … Continue reading

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My name is veronica Avila. What is architecture? well architecture is a structure, a figure, a form, a shape,design of a building.When I think about architecture I think how architecture has travel through time. what I admire is that even … Continue reading

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