Standard V: Educational Effectiveness Assessment

Assessment of student learning and achievement demonstrates that the institution’s students have accomplished educational goals consistent with their program of study, degree level, the institution’s mission, and appropriate expectations for institutions of higher education.

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Current Snapshot. City Tech has undertaken a major transformation in how educational effectiveness is measured since the last Self-Study:

  • Under the direction of the Office of Assessment and Institutional Research (AIR) and using a continuous improvement framework, the College has institutionalized a comprehensive system of educational effectiveness assessment at the institutional, program, and course levels. Institution-level assessment measures student attainment of General Education outcomes across all schools and programs; program assessment measures attainment of Student Learning Outcomes. Faculty also assess courses identified as critical courses within their degree programs in a systematic manner. This approach is implemented through a cyclical process in which faculty, chairs, and deans work collaboratively to ensure alignment of assessment with course, program, and institutional goals and objectives.
  • Faculty leadership of assessment activities has been effectively expanded so that Assessment Liaisons are in place in every department, Critical Courses have been identified, Assessment Liaisons have been appointed in each school, discussion of assessment results occurs in every department, and assessment workshops are designed to involve the broadest possible segment of the various constituencies.
  • Frequency of assessment reporting has been increased and has yielded results used to strengthen the institution, providing evidence of commitment to the appropriate assessment of student achievement throughout educational offerings, regardless of certificate or degree level. The college uses assessment data to make investments in resources that promise to improve teaching and learning.
  • Moreover, City Tech has emerged as a leader in academic assessment within the CUNY system, winning recognition as best-in-CUNY at the Association for Institutional Research national forum on best practices in five of the past six years (2012-2017).

Criterion 2. Organized and systematic assessments, conducted by faculty and/or appropriate professionals, evaluating the extent of student achievement of institutional and degree/program goals. Institutions should:

Criterion 3. Consideration and use of assessment results for the improvement of educational effectiveness. Consistent with the institution’s mission, such uses include some combination of the following:

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