Standard VII: Governance, Leadership and Administration

The institution is governed and administered in a manner that allows it to realize its stated mission and goals in a way that effectively benefits the institution, its students, and other constituencies it serves. Even when supported by or affiliated with governmental. Corporate, religious, educational system or other unaccredited organizations, the institution has education as its primary purpose, and it operates as an academic institution with appropriate autonomy.

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Current Snapshot: City Tech has an administrative leadership and governance structure that supports attainment of its mission and goals. The governance structure is explicitly outlined and has built-in checks and balances. The president and administrators bring a wealth of experience and expertise to their positions. Built-in structures assure periodic assessment.

2. A legally constituted governing body that:

3. A Chief Executive Officer who:

Criterion 4. an administration possessing or demonstrating:

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Questions about the report or review process? Contact Kim Cardascia at
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