Standard VI: Planning, Resources, and Institutional Improvement

The institution’s planning processes, resources, and structures are aligned with each other and are sufficient to fulfill our mission and goals, to continuously assess and improve our programs and services, and to respond effectively to opportunities and challenges.

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Current Snapshot: City Tech’s overarching institutional priorities over the past decade have been:

  1. To increase the number, quality, and diversity of full time tenure track faculty;
  2. To strengthen the physical and technological infrastructure by addressing deferred maintenance and institutional growth; and
  3. To ensure that technological and curricular resources are adequate to meet the academic needs of baccalaureate programs in new and rapidly evolving fields.

The college has aligned and synchronized its planning processes with resource allocation processes at institutional and unit levels so that despite vicissitudes of public funding the college has been able to focus clearly on these priorities. These planning and resource allocation processes are transparent and inclusive; they have engaged broad participation among key sectors of the college community. The number of full-time faculty has grown from 304 in 2006 to 404 in 2017, a 33% increase over a decade. Major indicators of infrastructure investment include the creation of a major new academic building planned to open in 2018 and a major refurbishment of both the façade and interior of the Voorhees Building, which houses the majority of the departments in the School of Technology and Design. Finally, the transition of the college to a baccalaureate institution has entailed the creation of twelve new baccalaureate programs to date with requisite academic resources; five additional new programs are also in development. The priorities align directly with CUNY’s Performance Management Process (PMP) goals, selected college focus goals, and institutional strategic planning goals as detailed in Standard I.

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