Author Archives: nivaaj

Nivaaj kanan

In my course of photography this year i learn how the sutter speed can make a huge difference in a picture. That if it is slow enough you can make light paintings. Which  i found to be very interesting , also how the light is self can make a pictures be amazing and mysterious or just blank. That if you want a great photo the lighting must always be correct, sometimes the light isnt the way you want it ,but the photo will come out different a good type of different or bad. That is what i learn in my course this year and i will never forget it

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Filed under Final Evaluation

 i love how this picture came out. i love how you can see the texture and how you can feel it from the picture. i also love how the lighting was angled for the picture. this is the best picture of a flower i have ever seen yet!~

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chicken butt !- Nivaaj Kanan/ 9/5/12 digital photography – what i learned today.

Emphasized texture -i learned that you need to use this is photography because it shows the close up with the object , how it really looks and the focus of the texturer can really bring out the picture. also that with that you can make the object look like something completely  different and make peoples imagination go to work when they watch it.

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Filed under learning log 1


Nivaaj kanan

1. what type of photograph is it?

this is a digital photo from India.

2. what can you tell about the photographers intention?

to capture the hard life this people have to life threw.

3.what emphasis has the photographer created and how has that been done?

the photographer made sure to focus on the people on the bus then anything else.

4. Do technical matters help or hinder the image?

no it does not

5. are graphic elements important such as tone ,line or perspective ?

the most important element is light that hows how the people really feel.

6. what else does the photograph reveal besides what is immediately evident ?

how this people feel trapped and need help to get out

7. what emotional or physical impact does the photograph have?

that he feels there pain about being trapped.

8. How does this photograph relate to others in the same series by the same photographer?

he shows relation by capturing peoples emotions and explaining there pain.

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Filed under HW1