Author Archives: motylek

Joanna Motyl HOMEWORK 1


Empire State Building, Study 2, New York City, USA, 2006

1. This is a photograph of Empire State Building and other buildings which appear smaller in the photograph and Empire State Building is tall and big.

2. The photographer intentions were to take a beautiful picture, and shows the biggest building in New York at night with all the lights even if the picture is black and white

3. The photograph is sharp overall.

4. No, the photographer kept his distance very good with the picture, it shows a good part of the building and the rest of the smaller buildings behind the biggest one.

5. Yes, graphic elements are important. In this photograph tone such as full scale is used. Straight line is used too, and for perspective is deep space.

6. This photograph also shows that the night is calm and the sky is clear. How beautiful the buildings are at night, and how most floors have their lights on.

7. The emotions in this photograph are amusement and peaceful.

8. This photograph can relate to other photographs done by Michael Kenna, but some of his photographs are a lot different.

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